- View more resources from this publisherPaul Chapman Publishing
Early numeracy: assessment for teaching and intervention
This book offers schools an assessment instrument to identify and deal with children who under-achieve in early numeracy. It will enable teachers, trainers and numeracy consultants to learn a distinctive and comprehensive approach to assessing and teaching arithmetical strategies.
Based on extensive long-term research, the authors' mathematics recovery programme has been successfully applied by teachers in Australia (as 'Count me in too' ), the United Kingdom and the United States, in specialist interventions and general classroom settings. The book focuses on the Learning Framework in Number (LFIN) which guides the assessment and teaching.
This consists of eleven key aspects of early number development, including: identifying the stages of early arithmetical learning; strategies for adding and subtracting; knowledge of number word sequences and numerals; ability to reason in terms of tens and ones; and developing strategies for multiplication and division.
'Early numeracy' complements the National Numeracy Strategy and other international initiatives, by providing a deeper, highly practical focus on the mathematical attainment and identified needs of young children.
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