A manual for the early years SENCO

Although the focus is on early years settings, the advice in this book holds good for all. There are excellent approaches to planning the year ahead, a positive and practical look at policy writing, and even letter templates for every occasion.

Starting with a look at the role and responsibilities of a SENCO, this book covers all areas of the job from supporting children and colleagues to working with parents and outside agencies.  An entire section on planning will help teachers to timetable their year and break their workload down into manageable chunks. Filled with real-life examples and photocopiable material, this book has everything teachers need to help them keep on top of their workload.

Photocopiables include:

  • a year planner
  • an at-a-glance visual plan of your workload over the year
  • INSET evaluation sheets
  • professional planning, evaluation and development forms
  • Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
  • Child and Parents' Review Contribution forms
  • observation sheets and checklists
  • play plans, daily activity reports and letters of invitation for parents
  • a list of useful organizations

For the SENCO who has to deliver INSET, there is a whole chapter to help the teacher plan their presentation, including suggested timings for delivery and ideas for suitable activities.

New and busy SENCOs working in a reception class, nursery schools, playgroups or any other pre-school setting will find the practical guidance in this book invaluable.

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Subject(s)Cross curricular
Author(s)Collette Drifte
Age5-7, 7-11
Published by

Shelf reference371.90472 DRI
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x869c

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