Leadership and teams in educational management

Effective leadership and team working makes a crucial difference to the management of schools and colleges. This book takes readers through the different dimensions of leadership, and its relationship to good team work. Personal and organizational skills are dealt with alongside the more theoretical aspects of the subject.

Throughout, the editors stress that leadership and team working are the core activities in managing people. This volume forms part of the Leadership and Management in Education series. This four book series provides a carefully chosen selection of high quality readings on key contemporary themes in educational management: professional development, reflection on practice, leadership, team working, effectiveness and improvement, quality, strategy and resources.

The series will be an important resource for classroom teachers and lecturers as well as those holding designated management posts in schools and colleges and will provide a valuable basis for professional development programmes. 

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Subject(s)Cross curricular
Author(s)Megan Crawford, Lesley Kydd, Colin Riches
Published by

Shelf reference371.201 CRA
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x8625

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