Microbiology Society

This collection contains a selection of resources from Microbiology Online, which has been devised by the Microbiology Society, to support the teaching and learning of microbiology in the classroom across all age ranges.

The Microbiology Society is a membership charity for scientists interested in microbes, their effects and their practical uses. It is one of the largest microbiology societies in Europe with a worldwide membership based in universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and schools. Its members have a unique depth and breadth of knowledge about the discipline. The Society’s role is to help unlock and harness the potential of that knowledge.



Showing 17 result(s)

Cold Wars

Produced by the Microbiology Society, this resource contains highly illustrated and accessible information about how the common cold is caused by viruses. A simple classroom activity looks at how the rhinovirus can be spread.


Couch Potato or Elite Athlete? Finding the Happy Medium

This resource, from the Microbiology Society, gives an overview of role of the immune system and how it is affected by training intensity. Exercise can have both a positive and negative effect on immune function and can influence an individual’s vulnerability to...

The Why, When, and How of Hand Washing

This brightly coloured leaflet from the Microbiology Society explains how good hand hygiene can reduce the spread of infection and also help prevent food poisoning. Specially designed, bold cartoons are used to illustrate the key points together with a list of fascinating facts about microbial transmission. It is...

Marvellous Microbes I: the Pasteurs

These materials, from the Microbiology Society look at the work of Louis Pasteur and helps students to understand the growth of yeast. There are three resources that can be used together or separately and are suitable for Key Stage Two or Three students.

Marvellous microbes This comic strip...
