Aga Gajownik is the CEO at Innovation and Integration Ltd where she has incorporated STEM Ambassador volunteering days for all employees. This is a model that is becoming increasingly popular at STEM employers.
Aga says, “We can't build products helping young people without having contact with them.” She understands the importance of volunteering and inspiring young people but also knows the benefit to employers and STEM Ambassadors themselves! “[By volunteering] you can learn so much and change lives at the same time”
As a STEM Ambassador herself, Aga has delivered hackathon-style days for young people to develop ideas with social impact while also developing their technology and entrepreneurial skills.
STEM Ambassadors mentor the young people as they develop and deliver a technology project. These workshops have had teenagers building a website in six hours, creating mobile apps designed to alleviate poverty and presenting business models in pitches. The young people are exposed to the worlds of technology and start-ups which are not usually offered in traditional education.
Aga says, “I love it when young people tell me that they will apply for jobs in tech. I feel like I inspired them.”
She encourages teachers and other group leaders to invite STEM Ambassadors as role models.
“This initiative gives teachers a chance to connect their students with STEM professionals for free. There is no better way to help young people in their career planning than this.”
Our STEM Ambassadors cover a wide range of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related jobs. They can engage with young people through interactive workshops, career presentations, mentoring, site visits and more!
Find out more about STEM Ambassadors
We’re incredibly proud of our volunteers
Our 30,000 STEM Ambassadors, representing more than 2,500 employers, play an essential role in inspiring and engaging the next generation of scientists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians and technologists. This December, we’re shining the light on some of the many fantastic STEM Ambassadors around the UK.