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Girls in Physics: Research Evidence
Several research reports exploring causes of girls' under-representation in physics, and suggesting possible approaches to tackling this issue.
'Girls in the Physics Classroom: Review of Research on Girls' Particpation in Physics'
This review by Patricia Murphy and Elizabeth Whitelegg of the Open University aims to consolidate understanding of the problem, and to identify from existing research the reasons why girls choose not to continue studying physics. It also identifies the strategies that have been successful in increasing the number of girls studying physics post-16.
'Research Brief: Girls into Physics: Action Research'
The Institute of Physics worked with the network of Science Learning Centres on an action research programme to share information on successful teaching and learning strategies to engage girls with physics. The project was funded by the Department for Education (formerly DCSF), which published two reports from the Girls into Physics: Action research evaluation findings.
The Research Brief contains recommendations from the project and highlights key findings from the evaluation. The full Research report contains the theory of change model developed for the evaluation, rich data from teachers and students and further analysis of key issues, which is useful for informing CPD development using action research approaches with teachers and students.
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