Handa's Surprise- Needs of living things, diet, animals

This story is about a little girl, Handa, who lives in an African village carrying a basket of fruit on her head to her friend Akeyo who lives in a neighbouring village.  She does not notice the succession of animals who, one by one, take a piece of fruit from her basket until there is nothing left!  Fortunately there is a last minute twist in the plot which means that Akeyo is not disappointed.

The story would make a great starting point for learning about the needs of living things linked to diet and the specific needs of humans.  This could be compared to the diets of the other animals in the book and would be a relevant context for secondary research.  Children could also find out which African animals are carnivores to compare with the ones in the story.  A lot of the resources suggested here are specifically linked to human dietary needs, specifically the need to eat plenty of plant based foods.

Children could also be supported to write a different version of the story set in another continent.  What animals could feature in a UK based story?  What fruit and vegetables might be found in the basket?  

A word of warning; It is a common misconception among adults as well as children that most people in Africa live in rural locations such as the village described in this story.  In fact the vast majority of people in Africa live in modern cities such as Nairobi, Lagos and Johannasburg.  Be sure to make sure that children are given the full picture of modern African life.


Handa's Surprise by Eileen Brown.