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Working With Science: Maxi Units E
In the first edition of Nuffield Working with Science, this set of units was covered by Teachers’ Notes E. Only five of the units were retained and revised for the second, CPVE edition.
*Gardening (first edition only)
*Keeping the heat in
*People and roads
*Study of a local industry
*Understanding old age
*Weather (first edition only)
Teachers’ Notes E
Nuffield Working with Science Teachers’ Notes E, from the first edition, provides teacher and technicians guidance for the seven maxi-units listed under contents.
Guidance for the five units from this set that also...
This Nuffield Working with Science unit featured a range of activities related to a farm visit. Students activities involve careful observation and recording, surveys and formulation of opinions based on evidence.
This Nuffield Working with Science unit set out to foster an interest in growing things and to encourage more careful observation of detail with things as familiar as cabbages and tomatoes. Students are required to show a certain amount of practical dexterity, some...
Keeping the Heat in
This Nuffield Working with Science unit was designed to help students to understand the need to consume less domestic heating fuel, to know the main ways in which heat can be lost from buildings, to find by experiment which substances make good insulators and to write a...