Code for Life Rapid Router with Blockly (primary)

This collection includes resources for primary schoolchildren of all ages learning early computer programming. Using the Blockly drag-and-drop visual language, children program the movement of grocery vans around maps. The resources should be used with the Rapid Router website. No previous knowledge of programming is required.



Showing 2 result(s)

This course, based on using the free programming website 'Rapid Router', teaches programming concepts from the basics using the Scratch-like 'Blockly' language. By programming a delivery van to follow simple routes, children learn about...

Building on the Key Stage 1 Blockly activity, this course introduces children to repeat loops, 'if' statements, and variables.

The activities focus on driving a delivery van around increasingly complex routes involving twists, turns and traffic lights. At the end of Lower Key Stage 2, the children can...