Science with Technology

The Science with Technology project was a joint initiative of the Association for Science Education (ASE) and the Design and Technology Association (DATA). It was set up to develop curriculum links between science and technology for students aged 14-19 years. The project provided resource materials for students and support for teachers of both science and technology. The materials were intended to be used with courses leading to GCSE, vocational qualifications and A/AS level qualifications. The resources were developed in collaboration with experts from a range of major industrial companies.

* Toolkit with three units designed to help students acquire a range of skills
* Focused units concentrating on a particular aspect of a topic.
* Extended units providing in-depth coverage of a topic or an area of the curriculum.



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The Science with Technology Tool kit consisted of a series of three units designed to
provide students with opportunities to acquire a range of key skills valued by business and industry in a way that also supports their own work.


The Science with Technology focused units were each planned to concentrate on a particular aspect of a topic. The units were created as part of a joint initiative of the Association for Science Education and the Design and Technology Association.


The Science with Technology extended units were each planned to provide in-depth coverage of a topic or an area of the curriculum. The units were created as part of a joint initiative of the Association for Science Education and the Design and Technology Association....

This is one of a series of focused units, from the Association for Science Education and the Design and Technology Association, to introduce students to important technologies and their applications. This unit features control systems and their applications to fermentation. The introduction to the unit:
