These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

Physics - Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by MEI, this series of activities explores how mechanical oscillations are important in many areas of everyday life. Sometimes they are useful, for example the motion of the suspension on a car, sometimes they are fun, for example a fairground 'pirate ship' and sometimes they are not welcome, for example the motion of a building during an earthquake. Understanding oscillations can therefore be very useful. The simplest form of oscillation occurs when a mass is attached to a spring.

This section covers the mathematical areas
• Mathematical modelling
• Simple Harmonic Motion
• Oscillations
• Hooke's Law

The resource consists of teacher notes and software for use in the activities. There then follows teacher notes and a powerpoint describing each of the five activities.

SHM Activity 1 Displacement and force
Explores the link between force and displacement when a particle moves with simple harmonic motion.

SHM Activity 2 Force and motion
Explores the relationship between force, displacement and acceleration when a particle moves with simple harmonic motion.

SHM Activity 3Displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Explores the relationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration when a particle moves with simple harmonic motion.

SHM Activity 4 The oscillation period and circular motion.
Explores the oscillation period and the link to circular motion when a particle moves with simple harmonic motion.

SHM Activity 5 Friction.
Explores the effect friction has when a particle moves with simple harmonic motion.

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