Showing results for "Photosynthesis and plant nutrition"

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This Catalyst article explains how artificial photosynthesis could provide a useful energy supply and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Experiments are underway in labs around the world. The aim is to use the basis of Photosynthesis to recycle the huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide being emitted...

This Catalyst article looks at the process of photosynthesis, by which plants make a range of biochemical compounds. The article explains how photosynthesis actually ties in with growth. Respiration is happening all the time in all cells in all living organisms. Taken on its own, photosynthesis adds materials to...

Fat is essential for a balanced diet – how do we process it, and what is the link with obesity?

This Catalyst article explains how scientists came to understand plants' sensitivity to external stimuli and their ability to move. Mimosa pudica...

This issue of Big Picture provides lots of interesting information about flowering plants and their uses. 

The plant hormones animation explores the action of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and shows how scientists used experimental evidence to explain the role of auxins in a phototrophic response.


Plants communicate – perhaps not as we do but communication is vital and some plants are surprisingly good at it. In these articles explore more about the role of action potential and discuss how understanding the...

A Catalyst article about one botanist's exploratory expeditions around the world looking for new plant species.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004, Volume 15, Issue 2.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged...

This Catalyst article...

A Catalyst article looking at the chemicals that are in plants and trees and the role they play in the life of the plant. Starting with photosynthesis the article moves onto naturally occurring chemicals and explains why plants need fertilisers. Growing salad crops hydroponically is also examined.


Learn about the importance of cellulose, photosynthesis, the enzyme RuBiSCO and the role of different growth factors in plants.

A Catalyst article looking at how plants develop large surface areas both in the air (leaves) and in the soil (root hairs) to get all they need from the environment. The article explores the relationship between plants and soil and looks at new research on fungi in soil and their involvement with the mineral...

We’re already familiar with growth of vaccines in eggs but could plants help us to produce vaccines effectively and more cheaply? What other properties of plants might offer solutions for improved health?


From cinchona to coffee, humans have exploited properties of plants. But does our favouritism or misuse turn these plants into heroes and villains? Explore the plants that provide us with essential products, from food to medicines and insecticides.

Plants are essential for our food and fuel. In these articles debate the potential of hydroponic farming, the role of genetically modified crops and alternative fuels.

Most people are all too familiar with the idea of animal parasites, including tape worms, ticks and lice. But did you know that plants can also act as parasites, exploiting resources from unwilling hosts? Rather than being rare anomalies, however, there are over 4000 known species of parasitic plants, with...
