Showing results for "Organic chemistry"

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From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that the acidity of a solution depends on the number of hydrogen ions per litre; the number of hydrogen ions per litre varies so much that a logarithmic scale is...

This documents details the topics covered in Core Maths that link to areas of chemistry

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary mathematics in science courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

A maths skills handbook covering all the skills identified by the DfE as relevant for OCR A level chemistry (H032H432H033...

This outreach programme aimed to build upon good practice from the Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) project Chemistry for our Future, and to develop new activities which could then be used with the RSC’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase (SIAS) equipment. It explored appropriate contexts which may appeal to students...

This resource from the Department for Education provides some useful tips on how to organise a successful STEM careers day: from contacting your local STEM broker and organising exciting activities to involving sixth formers and STEM local employers.

A report by Science Community Representing Education (SCORE) designed to address the growing concern across the science community about the use of mathematical assessments in science qualifications.

SCORE’s overall objective for this project was to gather evidence on the type, extent and difficulty of...

This lesson enables students to:

  • estimate and measure leaves in a number of ways
  • learn different techniques to measure a complex shape
  • think about fair tests and be asked to organise and display their data

The lesson is designed to help teachers cover measurement,...

In this resource students are asked to play the role of a local theatre manager, tasked with finding the best way to organise the audience to minimise the amount of space they take up. To solve the problem students must apply a series of first fit algorithms.

The resource includes a teacher presentation,...

Published by BEAM, these two activities can be used to develop students' understanding of ordering and place value using numbers up to 200.

*Jigsaw uses numbers from 101 to 200. Students have to cut out the pieces then arrange them into a ten by ten grid.

*What's in a date? - students have to organise...

This Nuffield Foundation publication was prepared to help students master the calculations involved in GCSE Science courses. The book is divided up into a series individual topics. Each topic is presented in three parts.

  • A summary of the ideas students need to know, including any important formulas....

This resource describes how engineers at Rolls Royce apply physics and chemistry in the development of their engines, including how materials behave in extreme conditions, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, the use of computer modelling to look at forces and energy transfers, and the use of maths in performance...

This resource provides a lesson plan and supporting resources that help Year 4 pupils to identify the organs involved in the digestive system and their functions. Throughout these resources, pupils are introduced to the digestive system and are given the opportunity to apply their learning through cross-curricular...

In this STEMNET resource, Assistant Head Teacher Matthew Evans describes activities undertaken in his specialist Technology College to support STEM subject teaching. The school runs many STEM Clubs and has worked with STEM Ambassadors for nearly 15 years.

Matthew works closely with the STEM Ambassadors and...

These Cre8ate maths activities develop multi-stage logistical thinking. The Planning ahead puzzle develops process skills of problem solving: working systematically and creating, describing and experimenting with systematic strategies. Making tea is concerned with finding the best way to organise time and draws on...
