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In this activity students make a periscope and investigate the topic of light.

Resources required:

Cardboard, mirrors.

There is a world of opportunities in STEM. Discover STEM heroes who have made a difference in our lives, think critically about how STEM careers are portrayed in films and TV and explore different ways to get into a STEM career.

In this activity students make a simple plant propagator and grow plants from seeds.

In this activity, part of a group of Python inspired resources,  students will learn how to write a Python program telling people all about you.


In this activity, students study...

This challenge provides a STEM activity day in which teams of children work together to design an aeroplane and then construct a transporter to move it to the next stage of...

This More Maths Grads resource, from the Maths Careers website, investigates the maths used in transport and is based on the travelling salesman problem.

Students are given a table containing information on the cost of air travel between nine different cities and asked to plan a route that visits each...

Looking at how animals have adapted to cope with all sorts of conditions. Exploring communication strategies, travel, camouflage and life in challenging settings, and the way humans can learn from animals.

This lesson links aspects of states of matter to the use of bubbles to deliver drugs to cancerous tissue, and is appropriate to students aged 12- 14. Most children will be familiar with soapy bubbles consisting of gas surrounded by a film of moisture. This lesson looks at the formation of bubbles that contain...

A STEM teaching and learning resource that explores engineering through the technology we communicate and connect with.

The Royal Academy of Engineering has developed a teaching and learning resource for Key Stage Three that combines design, technology, mathematics and science activities. The resource allows students to investigate the question: Athlete or machine? Which is more important in the bob skeleton event? To answer the...

In this Nuffield investigation students explore limiting values of an iterative process, using arithmetic, algebra or spreadsheets. Students can move from identifying patterns to forming, verifying and proving conjectures.


A balloon provides a simple example of how a rocket engine works. The air trapped inside the balloon pushes out the open end, causing the balloon to move forward. The force of the air escaping is the “action”; the movement of the balloon forward is the “reaction” predicted by Newton’s Third Law of Motion.

This Nuffield exploration is a simulation of a booking system for a small guesthouse. Students have to manage the bookings and, as far as possible, arrange to give people the accommodation they request.

The key...

These activities, aimed at primary children, link to aspects of design and technology and literacy. Children follow recipes to make a variety of food for birds including pine cone lardy seed feeders, suet nut log and edible pictures.

This activity is part of the...
