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This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*CAS community resources

*BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching

*Master Teachers

*Pedagogy in computing teaching and across the curriculum

*The Barefoot Computing project



This cross curricular activity includes science content from Year Four of the primary curriculum. It introduces programming and control, linked to the outside world through sensors - in this case, the computer's built-in microphone or a peripheral microphone. Programs are written using Scratch (online or offline)...

This collection includes resources for primary schoolchildren of all ages learning early computer programming. Using the Blockly drag-and-drop visual language, children program the movement of grocery vans around maps. The resources should be used with the ...

Following on from the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Blockly activities using Rapid Router, this teacher guide introduces Python textual programming. The difficulty of the algorithm challenges and the coding required is raised to new levels, but adequate support is provided in the guides. This resource makes use of...

This is a long-awaited and much needed book...

The new computing curriculum is truly transformational. However, many primary teachers and students have little or no experience of programming or the thinking skills that underpin it. This...


The student workbooks in the Code-IT Primary Programming series are progressively, though not exclusively, based on the four years within the KS2 curriculum. First Steps in Programming using...





This presentation guides students through an explanation & coded simulation of Bubble Sort. Students can add to this later by adding another option for Merge Sort with the potential to then measure the time taken for each algorithm to form a...


Enrol in Coder Academy and undertake a series of imaginative and...

Coding as a Playground...


Sonic Pi is a programming environment that lets you create music and other sounds with code while learning programming concepts at the same time, is included with Raspbian (the Raspberry Pi OS), but it is...
