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This activity combines computing and maths to look at algorithms. Children are challenged to solve missing number problems in number sequences, using logical reasoning. Additional challenges are then presented, and children are asked to share not just the answer, but the approach they took to solving the problem...

The machines of the future pack outlines a project challenging students working in teams to design a household product that uses machine learning.  Activities encourage students to research current technology, develop and plan the concept for their product, reflect on previous knowledge and present their work.

In this multi-lesson project pupils design and code a computer game. It uses a rainforest theme but can be adapted to any topic, with learners of varying age or ability.

The project includes:

  • Decomposition of the elements of a game
  • Designing the game
  • Creating assets for the...

This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit. This resource focusses on pupils designing, programming and using a programmable device that can be used as a musical instrument in a class performance.

In this activity pupils will design and create a programmable device that can...

This is one of a series of resources to support the use of the BBC micro:bit. This resource focusses on pupils designing and programming a BBC micro:bit to help wheelchair athletes monitor and record their sporting performance over time.

In this activity pupils will make use of the BBC micro:bit to design...

Suitable for upper-primary teachers of computing, this Barefoot Computing activity focuses on the technical aspects of the internet explaining how it differs from the World Wide Web (WWW). Children gain an understanding of the hardware that makes up computer networks and how IP addresses allow communication between...

Very simply, this involves making sparkles flash. The challenge is to work out how long a ‘dot’ and a ‘dash’ are, and to successfully code a message in Morse code.

Using LDRs and sparkles, the student learns how to code a nightlight coming on only once it gets dark. Digital switches can also be incorporated into this.

This short unplugged activity, away from computers, introduces pattern recognition using familiar objects. Children are asked to analyse groups of objects (cats, cars and so on) to identify features common to all of them. Exceptions to the 'rules' are discussed, and parallels with writing computer programs are...

This 'unplugged' activity by Barefoot Computing, introduces pattern recognition and the idea that algorithms can be repurposed. Cooking recipes are analysed to find parts that are common to more than one. Reusable parts are then borrowed to create new recipes which the children share with the class. Additional...

These materials have been developed to give teachers a creative and engaging set of resources for use in the classroom, supplying the tools needed to raise awareness of key issues around personal information.

The primary school lesson plans explore what is meant by personal information, and give students the...

The guide Pictorial representation, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, was designed to help teachers of students between the ages of 5 and 10. The guide deals with graphical representation in its many aspects. It contains helpful notes for the teachers as well as ideas and examples of students’ work.

This Barefoot Computing activity challenges lower-primary children to debug simple Scratch programs that assemble pizzas on-screen. A simple four-step process for systematic debugging is demonstrated.

Using logical...

The growth of plants in space is a keen area of experimentation, including ongoing work aboard the International Space Station. Successful crops will help astronauts to spend longer in space, boosting their healthy diet while reducing the mass of prepared food that must be transported from Earth.

Using a...

Robots are really useful in space as they can do lots of different jobs, some of which are too difficult or dangerous for humans. This activity looks at the different uses of robots in space exploration, with children...
