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These wide-ranging resources provide information and guidance that will help practitioners and employers consider issues such as gender equality, subject choice, inclusive pedagogy and providing successful work placements.

With this simulation students can explore the conservation of mass and balance chemical equations. Sample learning objectives include: *Balance a chemical equation. *Recognize that the number of atoms of each element is conserved in a chemical reaction. Describe the difference between coefficients and subscripts in...


A multiple choice quiz on basic chemical concepts and hydrocarbons for A/AS level chemistry.

Although it is written for...

A National STEM Learning Centre and Network Engineering Case Studies resource investigating battery powered lawnmowers and their potential environmental impact.

Lawnmowers have come a long way since they were a mechanical cutter being pushed along by hand. A smart battery (like in your mobile phone) lets you...

This simulation explores the Beer's Lambert Law. It allows you to make colourful concentrated and dilute solutions and explore how much light they absorb and transmit using a virtual spectrophotometer.

Curriculum links include:

• Beer's law
• Solutions
• Concentration
• Molarity...


In this lesson students investigate different fuels both practically and as a research project. This includes energy output, ease of combustion, the cost to environment in extraction, economic cost, ease of delivery and related factors.

Learning outcomes:

  • Students could calculate the energy...

The materials provide teachers with examples of different enquiry types, e.g. classifying and identifying, developing systems, and pattern seeking.  The booklet provides an overview of the enquiries and the particular approaches used. Scientists use many different ways to collect evidence, but a survey undertaken...

The EU has recently approved tough new measures to reduce the use of plastic bags. New targets aim to reduce plastic bag use by 80% before 2019. In this activity students examine degradable plastic bags as a possible alternative to ordinary plastic bags. They choose questions to ask experts, and come to a reasoned...

These Bingo activities from ASE are a great way to recap and reinforce vocabulary and meanings within a topic. The two examples here provide teachers' notes and 50 individual bingo cards which can be laminated and reused. They are on the topics of cells and the body, and element symbols. The idea can be applied to...

This Biochemical Society careers resource is aimed at students and provides an overview of the impact of biochemistry on other areas of science, a description of what biochemistry is and an illustration of the range of organisations which employ biochemists.

There is also a description of the types of...

This unit looks at biofuels and how these relate to the climate crisis, fossil fuels and the food industry and whether they are the future of fuels.

In this unit students consider the relationship between the growing of crops for food or for fuel and conduct independent research to write a policy brief on...
