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The authors of Nuffield Advanced Physics decided to include electronics in the course for two reasons.
1. It could be useful in the future. Students could expect to find themselves using electronic devices in many courses of further education, and in a very wide...

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit was designed to be directly about engineering
problems and their solution. The authors pointed out that ‘reluctance’, like feedback in Unit 6, is a concept of more use to an engineer than to a physicist. The authors said that...

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit was about light as a wave motion. It represented the culmination of one line of thought in the course as a whole, for in it, earlier work on waves, on electric fields, and on magnetic fields came together in a (simplified) description...

This Nuffield Advanced Physics Unit was presented as a single volume for teachers and students. The aim was to make the ideas behind the Second Law of Thermodynamics intelligible to students at school. The approach was through the statistics of molecular chaos, because...

These two guides from Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) help teachers to plan and organise school visits to CERN in Geneva and the Isaac Newton group of telescopes on La Palma in the Canary Islands. The guides give great reasons to visit, explain what services and support would be offered to school...

In this activity, alcohol and air are mixed in a large plastic water bottle before being ignited, to simulate the physics principles of...

This resource from the Institute of Physics (IOP), describes how X-rays can be used to image the body. The X-rays video, taken from an IOP Schools and Colleges lecture, describes how Roentgen discovered how to image using X-rays, in his lab. The lecture also describes how barium and iodine can be used to to image...
