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This activity is a bingo game designed to help children learn about the human skeleton. It contains two sets of cards one showing bones of the body and the other the names of the bones corresponding to the pictures.

Provided by Early Years Learning HQ, the cards may be printed out and laminated for use in...

From the British Nutrition Foundation, in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB...

Aimed at primary level, this resource aims to help children recognise the differences between plants. Linked to the topics of plants and all living things and their habitats, it is designed for use when visiting a wildlife area. Activities also help to develop measuring and data handling skills. Teacher guidance on...

This resource looks at food, nutrition and healthy eating and links to the topic of animals, including humans. This game is based on the popular game of Snakes and Ladders, but with the difference that when you land on a healthy snack you climb up and when you land on not-so-healthy snack you slide down. Special...