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Pamela is an assistant accountant for Chaucer Insurance, she discusses her role in this video. Pamela is responsible for paying all the bills for her office. After A-levels Pamela studied Human Sciences at university without having a clear idea of what she eventually wanted to do as a career. After university she...

Ian is an assistant management accountant at Addenbrookes hospital, he discusses his role in this video. Ian decided against going to university and started work aged 18 in the accountancy department at the hospital where he has been supported in his studies and is still working towards becoming a qualified...

Astrium is Europe’s largest space company, employing 3,500 people in the UK alone. Astrium produces some of the world’s leading edge earth observation, science and telecommunication satellites in one of the most exciting sectors of the engineering profession. 


This video features Anu Ohja talking about the growth of the UK space sector and the involvement in of the UK in human spaceflight.


Dr Claire Cousins and Mark Fox-Powell explain how scientists look at life that exists in extreme environments on Earth, to see what kind of life scientists might see on the surface of Mars.  This knowledge helps scientists plan the best target for a rover.

Professor Cockell takes us through the astrobiology...

This resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting experimental science in the classroom and relating it to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher to find out how to set up and run an investigation to find out the time it takes for...

Astrobiologist Dr. Lewis Dartnell talks from the Atacama Desert about a research trip to find extremophiles that might give scientists some clues as to the kind of life that may exist on the surface of Mars.  Lewis shows how quartz can act as a natural sunscreen to enable cyanobacteria to grow in the dry desert...

Ross is an audio engineer at Realtime Worlds, he discusses his role in this video. His role involves creating, recording and editing sound effects for video games. He has always enjoyed music and worked in a music shop after he left school. He went on to working in a recording studio where he picked up technical...


Dr. Mark Woods explains how the rover technologies must be partly autonomous, since the signals from Earth to Mars take too long for every command to be send from Earth.  The technologies developed for space, also have applications on Earth.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one of the...

In this film, from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Ben Truman explains his passion for aviation and engineering. After completing his degree in mechanical engineering he became a design engineer for Goodrich...

These activities have been developed for the National HE STEM Programme to be used in conjunction with the video resources found in this collection.



Body centric communications is any communication on, within or around the body using wireless technology. In this film, engineers give examples of the applications of this technology, including wireless devices which monitor blood glucose and communicate directly with a device which can administer insulin. This...

