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In this activity students examine the Olympic 100m winning times from 1928 to 2012. Both men's and women's times show an improvement. The challenge is how to show that there is an improving trend and to show which times show the most improvement. Scatter graphs,...

This resource from the Department for Education provides some useful tips on how to organise a successful STEM careers day: from contacting your local STEM broker and organising exciting activities to involving sixth formers and STEM local employers.

MEI Online Resources provide this introduction to Matrices for AQA FP1. Detailed notes covering the manipulation of Matrices and Crucial Points to learn are included, together with study plans for both Heinemann and Oxford textbooks.

Also available are Additional Exercises for students to complete with...

This set of Cre8ate maths activities asks pupils to explore the ways in which their classroom and school can be made wheelchair accessible. If all the activities are attempted, the topic will be an extended one. Mathematical connections involve making sense of plans and diagrams through interpreting scale diagrams...

In this STEMNET activity case study, design engineer and STEM Ambassador David Bennett describes how valuable he believes STEMNET activities are for schools.

David devotes about two days per month to STEMNET activities. He helps with careers events, advising students on what employers are looking for, how to...

In this STEMNET activity case study, Graduate Engineer Andrew Keen describes a 'real life' project that he designed for sixth formers which involved developing an engine component. The Fuel Systems Team of his company was so impressed with the project that it is now working on a prototype component.


This STEMNET Activity case study describes how Transportation Planner Dan Cornelius developed projects for a school to demonstrate maths in the workplace. In his traffic assignment exercise, children investigated traffic flow, identified potential problems and came up with solutions within a budget.


A case study from Mathematics Matters which looks at how mathematics is applied in the animation industry. The computer animation industry relies on a steady stream of mathematics to produce the fantastic images found on our cinema and television screens. Advanced mathematics also fuels developments in other areas...

Mathcentre provide this algebra refresher resource which has been designed to enable students to prepare for their university mathematics programme. There is a comprehensive review of algebraic manipulation including, removing brackets, surds, solving linear equations, transposition of formulae, quadratic equations...

This Mathematics Matters case study describes how mathematicians help to boost efficiency in the energy industry by mapping buried oil reserves. As oil supplies become harder and more expensive to reach, it’s essential that we maximise the yield from available reservoirs in any way possible. Mathematicians are...

In this activity, students use data on electricity consumption to investigate how average values are calculated. They also consider how accurate a source of published data is and whether it may contain bias.


Produced by ARKive this resource aimed at key stage two is a collection of eight animal symmetry worksheets. Children are asked to complete the reflection of various animals to show that they exhibit reflective symmetry. Each sheet also includes an image of the animal and key facts about it. The resource uses four...

This toolkit, from the Plus magazine's collaboration with Arctic Survey Education, explores the navigational aspects of the expedition, including questions surrounding cartography and Global Positioning (GPS) systems. The toolkit can be download as a whole or as individual components. The individual components are...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Lee Betts, an avionics technician with the RAF. Lee describes how new recruits undertake basic training, work in a front-line squadron and then undertake further specialists training.

Lee's role involves fixing the radar, flight...

This resource is based on two aspects of the design of bar codes used for products on sale in shops. The first aspect is that of a check digit and how it works; the second aspect is that of the actual design for the strips of numbers that make up bar codes. This...
