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These eighteen assignments and a teachers' guide, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) aim to encourage non-scientists to embrace a little science. The aim is to increase student's skills whilst quashing a few "science is boring" stereotypes. All assignments have been written to cover a variety of non-...

STEM Learning has worked with IBM to increase the accessibility of its SkillsBuild e-learning resources. We have created guides to show which SkillsBuild content supports the specific learning objectives within a range of computing qualification specifications to help save teachers time when planning their...

This collection of resources is to support teams participating in the CyberCenturion competition.

CyberCenturion is a national cyber education initiative for 12-18 year-olds in the UK. The program is designed to excite, educate and motivate students to...

Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this resource contains an overview of the techniques involved in making a BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) library. It consists of an animation that covers the key stages in the process:


From the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this animation shows a detailed overview of the processes involved in the dideoxy or Sanger method for sequencing DNA. This is the method used to sequence the human genome. The animation demonstrates the principles and techniques involved in the Sanger sequencing method,...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematical models try to understand the causes of rogue waves. These huge waves appear without warning, towering high over ships and oil rigs. Traditional mathematical models could not predict the occurrence...

This resource is aimed at students and is a 22 page document outlining the careers of 9 people involved with the SAMHE project, designed to inspire future careers in research. The people include a communications specialist, project manager and web developer, as well as researchers.

Debbie Lumb is an Assistant Headteacher in a science specialist college and is working with three colleagues to boost students' engagement with STEM subjects both in and out of school. Her team has received practical advice and support from STEMNET which provides them with training, networking and other events....


This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins, a design engineer and Director of a small independent consultancy.

Chris uses maths to help companies solve problems by developing mathematical models and associated software to help select appropriate materials and...

James Briscoe studies the highly structured development of the central nervous systems in embryos. For James, personal drive and self-motivation are key to success in science. A better understanding of the development of the spinal cord will shed light on diseased and damaged nervous systems, and the hope is that...

This collection of case studies show how a wide cross section of educational professionals use and find inspiration from STEM Learning's digital resources.

This resource provides background information for students about the structure of DNA, DNA replication, genetic engineering, cloning, genetic testing and DNA fingerprinting.

The activities for students include a practical activity where students extract their own DNA from cheek epithelial cells or plant...

This resource is designed to meet the specifications for the A-level practical endorsement in England (CPAC). However, it will make a valuable guide to dissection and scientific drawing of a flower for those following a variety of different specifications.

The ability to accurately observe, dissect and...

This is a modelling activity where students use sampling techniques to determine the distribution and abundance of organisms in a simulated habitat. Students will simulate the mark–release–recapture technique (Lincoln Index) for estimating population sizes of mobile species. 

Curriculum links include: ...
