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In this activity, students are challenged to produce a scatter diagram consisting of ten points that give a product moment correlation coefficient of exactly 0.99. Students are expected to appreciate that the points will lie almost exactly on a straight line with at least one point being slightly out. The answer...

This Core Maths resource includes data from which students can calculate correlation coefficients. The resources includes a card sort that matches up scatter-graphs, data tables and product moment correlation coefficients. 

The teachers' notes give detailed teaching suggestions on how to introduce and...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at black holes. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in the maths and physical science post-16 curriculum. Problems consist of a student page and an answer sheet. Students need to be...

Black holes provide an important tool for testing the fundamental laws of the universe. This resource from the Institute of Physics, looks at the extreme physics associated with black holes, how we can spot them, and what roles they may play in galaxy formation.

This guide looks at stellar black holes and...

Purpose: Observing changes over time can result in the collection of a lot of data. One method of keeping a central record for the class is to set up a blog or a wiki for the duration of the investigation where photographs, measurements, results tables and graphs can be collated. Using a digital record rather than...

This Core Maths task involves substituting values into the BMI formula in order to make health decisions.

An introductory ...

This resource introduces the formulae for the surface areas of cylinders, cones and spheres. Students are asked to use these to...

This Core Maths task asks the question ‘How do you know if you are really unwell?’ The activity explores the data surrounding body temperature, shows how to summarise continuous data and explores the effect on summary statistics that changing the size of the class interval has.

Body temperature:...

This booklet contains a range of suggested activities and contexts for teaching about bonding and structure at A level. Curriculum links include ionic, covalent and metallic bonding, properties, shapes of molecules, structure, dot-and-cross, intermolecular forces, properties, bond angles, and intermolecular bonding...

This booklet contains a range of suggested activities and contexts for teaching about bonding at A level. Curriculum links include covalent bonding, ionic bonding, metallic bonding, bond enthalpy, bond angles, intermolecular bonding, links between bonding and properties...

This set of resources provides comprehensive coverage of the topic of logic, Boolean algebra and simplifying expressions using Karnaugh maps. There are a series of student activities involving deriving expressions from logic gate combinations, rules of Boolean algebra and building logic expressions. 



In this Core Maths resource students are asked to evaluate the offers and figures from three banks in order to decide which one is best for their company to borrow from. The resource involves students calculating the interest incurred using an Excel spreadsheet.

Borrowing money: Lesson Plan...

This unplugged activity, from the CS4FN team at Queen Mary University of London, helps learners to understand variable assignment and operations. They use the idea of variables as boxes as the basis of a group activity, developing their use of logical thinking to trace variables through programs.


In this Core Maths task students investigate how to make a box of maximum volume from a given square of card. The ultimate objective is to model a method to work out a box of maximum volume for any size of rectangle.

The activity sheet outlines the task for students.


This activity covers the compact method of coding used by Braille. It explores calculating the number of different patterns that exist using a 3 x 2 design.

