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This video explains how n-type and p-type semiconductors can be used to create a transistor.

The explanation

n-type semiconductors are made from silicon that has been doped with phosphorous.  The additional electron from the P can be used to form a current. P-type semiconductors are...

This video begins by showing how Bernoulli’s law can explain wing lift.  It then introduces ideas that cannot easily be explained using the law, for example, why can planes fly upside down?  Why do flat winged planes fly?

Newton’s 3rd law is used to offer a different explanation, i.e., as long as air is...

This video introduces the idea of inertia by using a large globe suspended by water. It shows that acceleration requires an unbalanced force and then explains that an objects inertia is its tendency to maintain its motion unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force. 


This video models the distance between the Earth and moon using a basketball and tennis ball. It shows that often diagrams we use are not to scale and so can be misleading.


This video discusses how data is coded and stored. It takes a look at the genetic code in humans and shows how it could be stored as 1.5Gb of data.


This video shows people’s misconceptions regarding the age of the Earth. It shows how imagining the difference between a million and billion is very difficult for people to do.

The video uses an arm span to model the age of the Earth and shows how recent in the Earth’s history the evolution of more complex...

This video shows how electromagnetism can be explained using either models of magnetism or of electric fields, induced by length contraction caused by special relativity. Length contraction (Lorentz contraction) occurs to anything that is moving – relative to something moving...

This video explains that to compute the prime factors in a 2048 number would take a classical computer years, yet the ability of a quantum computer to use superposition, which reduces the number of steps to complete a computation, makes it possible in minutes.

The explanation


This video demonstrates how the pressure exerted by the atmosphere (10,000kg on an average person) can implode a large drum when the air inside the drum is removed (Heat water to vaporise and remove all air. Condense the vapour by cooling the drum). 


The scientists states that...


Professor Andrew Coates and Dr Ian Hutchinson explain how the ExoMars instruments, the Pancam and Raman spectroscopy instruments can be combined to help scientists identify areas of interest on the surface of Mars.  The video shows how field trips are important to learn first-hand the challenges that the ExoMars...


This video explains why astronauts float. The common misconception is that there is no gravity in space, yet the astronaut is in the Earth’s gravitational field.  Rather, the astronaut is falling towards the Earth (as is the spacecraft). However, their horizontal speed is 28,000km/hr. This and the curvature of the...

This video takes a light-hearted look at motion. It applies Newton’s second and third laws to explain how motion occurs in the space shuttle and a jetpack. Misconception about reaction forces are identified (the need for the ground/lake for a reaction force to be generated) for motion to happen. This explains how...
