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This activity, from Solar Spark, allows students to investigate light and the eye. A template is provided that students can colour to produce a Newton Wheel. White light is made up of lots of different colours and by spinning the colours on the disc, the eye combines the spinning colours and sees the disc as if it...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Novel materials have surprising properties which make them useful in many applications. The interesting and unusual behaviours of these new materials can generate excitement amongst...

This Nuffield Physics guide to experiments was designed to supplement Teachers' Guide I by giving details of the class experiments and demonstrations to be done during the first year of the Nuffield O-level physics programme. A special feature of the guides was the very clear, three-dimensional diagrams of the...

This Nuffield Physics Guide to Experiments was designed to supplement Teachers' Guide II by giving details of the class experiments and demonstrations to be done during the second year of the Nuffield O-level physics programme.


This Nuffield Physics Guide to Experiments was designed to supplement Teachers' Guide III by giving details of the class experiments and demonstrations to be done during the third year of the Nuffield O-level physics programme.

A special feature of the guides was the very clear, three-dimensional diagrams of...

This topic explores flat designs which can be folded and used to package food and drink. These Cre8ate maths activities provide rich experience of visualising 3 dimensional shapes from 2 dimensional representations. In Four Chocolates and It Takes the Biscuit!, students will need to measure accurately and construct...

This resource, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), is a pick and mix collection of activities enabling students to create their own stunning scents from scratch. Besides a collection of experiments for making and testing fragrances, there is extension material on applying the particle model to...

The Pit stop activities from Cre8ate maths are designed to motivate students to investigate the performance of model solar cars through a series of racing challenges. To do this activity you will need a set of model solar racing cars which are often shared between design technology and science departments. Students...

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity allows students to make their own plastic from vinegar and milk. Milk contains casein in a form that is soluble in water. Making the milk acidic by adding vinegar makes the casein insoluble so the milk separates into a solid and a liquid known as curds and whey. Removing the...

This Salters’ Chemistry Course unit from the University of York Science Education Group covered:
* The preparation of plastics by polymerization.
* The importance of ethene as a source of plastics.
* The uses and properties of plastics.
* The use of...

This resource provides a set of videos of a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences, presented by Professor Brian Cox and Dame Maggie Aderin-Pocock. In this video, Maggie joins a teacher demonstrating a plastics and...

This activity has been designed to help pupils understand the effects of water pressure on animals that live in the deep sea.

To complete the activity, pupils simply need to put a mini marshmallow into a plastic syringe and cover the tip with their finger. Air pressure inside can be decreased by pulling the...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). ‘Sustainability’ is about using resources in a way that does not deplete them. An increased emphasis on renewable energy is part of the move to greater sustainability, but so is the idea...
