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This Cape Farewell video clip shows scientists back at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, analysing the samples of phytoplankton and zooplankton taken in the Arctic, identifying species and counting their abundance.

Activity G - Plankton analysis is...

This lesson links aspects of states of matter to the use of bubbles to deliver drugs to cancerous tissue, and is appropriate to students aged 12- 14. Most children will be familiar with soapy bubbles consisting of gas surrounded by a film of moisture. This lesson looks at the formation of bubbles that contain...


Produced for Future Morph, these resources include a video and a classroom activity. In the video, two First Diploma in Horticulture students show how they repot plants and describe the display they helped to produce for the Devon County show. A classroom activity encourages students to clone a plant by taking...

Produced by Teachers TV, this richly illustrated video uses animation and natural history footage to provide an introduction to the topic of climate change to secondary school students. The concepts covered include: • the greenhouse effect • naturally occurring greenhouse gases • natural variations in climate •...

