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These Department of Education National Strategies resources explore behaviour and attendance, taken from the Core Day 1 training sessions. The files cover: *Advice on whole school behaviour and attendance policy *Tutors notes: session 1 - review policy *Tutors notes: session 2 - implement policy *Tutors notes:...

These Department of Education National Strategies resources explore behaviour and attendance, taken from the Core Day 2 training sessions. The files cover: *Behaviour and Attendance: effective practice *Tutors notes: session 1 - focusing on solutions *Tutors notes: session 2 - developing staff skills *Tutors notes...

These National Strategies resources from the Department of Education explore behaviour and attendance. The files cover: *Developing emotional health and well-being: a whole-school approach to improving behaviour and attendance * Monitoring whole-school practice to promote positive behaviour and attendance: guidance...

The Department of Education's Pedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools contains 20 individual booklets offering guidance on a range of teaching strategies. The booklets can be used by schools or individual teachers, especially NQTs, to further their own professional development. 


This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

A report from the National Curriculum Council (NCC). An initial consultation report in November 1988 proposed an ambitious, broad, integrated approach to a range of design and technology-related subjects explored through a wide variety of contexts. It recognised the complex relationship between the knowledge and...

A collection of resources curated for GCSE Design and Technology, to support student understanding of different types of timbers (hardwood, softwood and manufactured board).

This presentation and student worksheet provides an overview of various timbers (hardwood and softwood) and manufactured boards.

The development of new materials with incredible properties is changing the way we live. From LCD TVs to super light airliners, these materials have quickly found their way into the modern technology around us. One area where modern materials have made a huge impact is in the development of prosthetic devices....

Nature is full of amazing designs and mechanisms that appear to have inspired the engineering and technology we use today. This book shows you how and why.

Neon careers resources are a comprehensive resource collection for everything engineering. The primary and secondary resources introduce students to future STEM careers, helping young people to understand more about the world of engineering...

This set of resources allows teachers to challenge students understanding through context set within Network Rail and UK Rail industry. They can be delivered as stand-alone activities to develop STEM skills or embedded within curriculum schemes of learning. 

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematical network theory helps to improve connections for global transport, internet and telephony networks. Modern society relies heavily on a variety of networks, but we don’t fully understand how they...

From the Chilled Food Association, this resource helps students to think about the development of a new food product. The materials are aimed at STEM ambassadors but they can readily be adapted for use by teachers in the classroom.

The materials consist of a lesson plan, stimulus materials and suggested...
