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In this Nuffield Foundation activity students use the learning skills they have acquired in earlier pods to invent a new game of their own. They need to design and test equipment as well as establish effective rules and a fair scoring system. Groups then present and explain their new game at a sports fair where it...


A collection of STEM challenges created by Practical Action to support primary and secondary STEM Clubs and curriculum activity.

Teaching resources on the subject of Energy, suitable for KS2 - 5. Materials draw from Practical Action's renewable energy work in developing countries around the world. 

Teaching resources linking to issues around food and global food security. Based on Practical Action projects in the developing world. Suitable for ages 7-16.

A range of materials to support pupils' engagement in the Global Goals.

The Global  Goals (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) were put together by the United Nations in September 2015. These 17 goals aim to end world poverty  by 2030. We have produced a range of different materials to...

Practical Action's series of resources for primary teaching.

Teaching resources from Practical Action which help students to understand sustainable development. They explore aspects of contemporary issues. Suitable for classes in science or technology, ages 7-16

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available to people in the developing world. They provide detailed technical information on a variety of subjects ranging from how to make jams and pickles to how to build a flood-proof house or an aerial ropeway.

Students can use...

Teaching resources covering a range of issues around water e.g. cleaning water and hygiene set within a global context. Based on Practical action projects in the developing world they are suitable for ages 7-16.


This resource from Practical Action includes a presentation and worksheets which give Key Stage Three and Four students opportunities to understand more about the impact of existing and new products on people and the environment. The presentation is packed with useful activities to reinforce students' learning. The...

This collection of STEM education reports explores professional development across the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM subjects). The reports include:

A recommended code of governance for schools: a flexible framework for strategic planning

Space for technicians?


In this activity, students carry out research into the development and application of hydrogen fuel cells. Students are asked to produce a presentation or podcast which includes:

*An explanation of what hydrogen fuel...
