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Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation and they penetrate into human tissue. There is still a significant debate about the safety of holding even a low power microwave transmitter next to your brain or keeping it in a trouser pocket. The possibility of...

This resource investigates modelling and constructing pulley systems designed to lift loads.

Suggested learning outcomes include:

  • To be able to recognise and describe the main parts of a pulley system.
  • To understand how a pulley system can reduce the effort needed to lift a load.
  • ...

This Core Maths task involves the analysis of mortgage repayments and requires the calculation of percentages and the use of a spreadsheet.

A help sheet is included in the materials for students who are not confident with spreadsheets.


In order to avoid predators, the caterpillars of some species of moths rest during the day by masquerading as twigs, well-camouflaged and keeping their bodies rigid and still. The aim of the investigation is to determine if caterpillars of the peppered moth show a preferred angle of rest. Students look at a series...

This resource looks at how mystery objects can be used in class to introduce a topic, introduce new scientific equipment or vocabulary, or to explore changes in science and technology over time. Ideas are provided for effective questioning and how to structure the activity.

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to compare old and new technologies (railway five-pointer telegraph against the SMS message) to experience how significant the advances in technology have been. The nature of...

In this resource from SAPS, students learn about random sampling, diversity and different measures of abundance, before looking at close-up photographs of quadrats and using the field guide to identify them. The resources are intended to help students develop skills and plant identification techniques before going...

This online ecology practical, by SAPS, is designed to give students an opportunity to see how systematic sampling can be used to

  • investigate changes in species richness across a footpath
  • the distribution of species across a footpath

These online exercises are not intended as a...

In this SATIS Revisited resource, students examine data, perform a risk assessment, and see how risks are sometimes reported in the media.

This unit focuses on the consumer and considers whether or not we should be concerned about any pesticide residues that may be found on fruit and vegetables. In the first...

This resource from Siemens encourages students to think about medical diagnosis and how information can assist the doctor in being effective and accurate. Students are asked to suggest ideas about the characteristics of a useful image to support a medical diagnosis. They then look at the properties of sound, how...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology, students work in groups to investigate how Piezoelectric materials can be used in a variety of different ways. For the development element of the project, students propose an innovative application...

The activities in this resource relate to communicable plant diseases, the use of monoclonal antibody diagnostic tests (ELISA), and the use of genome sequencing in identifying plant pathogens. The activities are based around tasks carried out in the ‘real...

In this topic, from the Association for Science Education, students learn about the many products obtained from local plants. The topic is designed to allow classes in schools across the world to exchange information about the ways in which their lives depend on plants. The topic also provides opportunities for...

Catherine holds a PhD in Robotics and a BSc Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. She studied A-levels in Physics, Maths, and Computing with an AS-level in Electronics.


A Nuffield design hexagon task focusing on product design (using resistant materials). Aiming to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected.

