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Alien Invasion is a set of four interactive lessons about a full-scale alien attack that coincides with a class visit to Manford City. To set the scene and support the lessons, live television news bulletins, radio broadcasts and telephone messages help to develop the story line. The invasion leads to a series of...

In this Nuffield investigation students explore limiting values of an iterative process, using arithmetic, algebra or spreadsheets. Students can move from identifying patterns to forming, verifying and proving conjectures.


This Nuffield exploration is a simulation of a booking system for a small guesthouse. Students have to manage the bookings and, as far as possible, arrange to give people the accommodation they request.

The key...

In this Nuffield activity students investigate how different numbers of squares can be joined corner to corner and the effect their arrangement has on the area of the rectangle that encloses the squares.

The key...

Scheduling jobs in a fashion workshop is the context for this Nuffield exploration. There are six people in the workshop and a series of jobs to be completed in one day.

The key processes which developed include:...

This Cre8ate maths activity allows the opportunity to discuss the modelling function of mathematics. The tasks allow students to develop their own strategies and to consider the idea of an ‘efficient’ algorithm. In addition, 'First fit and full bins' activity involves work on ratio and pie charts.

This Nuffield activity is set in the context of a park. Students determine where spies should sit in the park that has a square grid of benches, interspersed by bushes, so that they cannot see each other. Students also investigate how many different arrangements of...

This activity requires students to consider the problem of maximising the market available to a pizza shop through the ability to keep a home-delivered pizza warm for longer. Students use a mathematical model to explore the issue that a pizza home delivery business faces in ensuring that the pizza arrives hot! They...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics as an application of solving multi-step mathematical problems and evaluating the outcomes. It is one of three mathematical problem-solving activities with a...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to demonstrate the practical use of greedy...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to develop students' use of formal...

Based on information and guides provided by the Department of Transport, this Cre8ate maths activity introduces the cost benefits of improving the aerodynamics of the cab section of a truck. Mathematical connections involve using calculators and spreadsheets to work on conversions and percentages in the context of...

This activity provides the opportunity for students to analyse the similarities and differences between genres of popular music with particular focus on the variable measures of tempo. Students work in small groups and listen to different music tracks, measure the tempos and interpret and present the results....

The Nappy Changing Challenge from Cre8ate maths provides real data about students for analysis. They undertake a timed, practical, exercise of folding a towelling nappy and putting it onto a toy baby doll. Throughout the task students complete a form for the Nappy challenge and record their completed data in an...

In this Nuffield investigation students study paper sizes in the A and B international series, exploring relationships within each series and between the series.

The key processes are:

