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Published in January 1980, this report sets out preliminary views on the form that a framework for the proposed National Curriculum should take and the ground it should cover. The ideas were presented to start a consultation process, leading to a curriculum that would apply to schools nationally and promote...

The project involved members of staff from the STEM subjects at the Kingswinford School working collaboratively to plan and deliver sessions to a group of Year Nine students. These sessions were held after school for an hour each week during the summer and autumn terms...

In this resource, students use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house. Activities to help them with their design include testing materials (for strength and absorbency) and structures. Set on a fictitious island coping with the devastating effects of flooding caused by...

This resource introduces the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (@BlackSeaMAP), a three-year...

With just a few materials, building a paper model of the International Space Station (ISS) can become a class project. This publication contains a brief overview of the ISS, its parts, the science that occurs on board, instructions, and extension fact sheets. Learn about the ISS, explore fun facts, simulate...

Produced in 1987, this document written by the Department for Education and Science and HM Inspectorate was intended to stimulate a professional debate and to contribute to reaching national agreement about the objectives and content of the school craft, design and technology curriculum of the time.


This resource, published in 1980 looks at how craft, design and technology was being taught in schools and, using case studies as examples, examined what made for successful practice. The roles of teachers, heads of department, technicians and local authorities are examined, highlighting how these roles were...

At Bishop Challoner Catholic College in Birmingham, a STEM project entitled “Rockets in Motion” took place during the autumn term of the 2010-2011 academic year. The project ran through a series of after-school sessions led jointly by the science, technology and...

Students often seem uncomfortable when confronted with a science teacher talking about mathematics in a science lesson or a design and technology teacher talking about science in a design and technology lesson.


The Crumble “Getting Started” guide includes an overview of the Crumble software and a step-by-step guide to writing your first program. It also covers:

  • Sparkle control
  • Motor control
  • Using inputs (digital and analogue)
  • Using variables and maths in your programs

A report from the National Curriculum Council (NCC). The final proposals published in June 1989 added considerable detail to the new approach, and made some minor alterations to the Attainment Targets.
There are four main sections in this document:
1. Design and technology in the National Curriculum...

This Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) document contains the 2004 revision of the Design and Technology National Curriculum. As with previous documents, there were no substantial revisions, and none at all to the Attainment Target statements. The role of CAD-CAM and new materials continued to be...

The 1999 edition of the Design and Technology National Curriculum included set out clearly the programmes of study and attainment targets for Key Stages One to Four. It sets out the importance of design and technology education to students' performance across the curriculum in promoting social, moral and cultural...

This simple activity from NASA allows classrooms to study rocket stability as students construct and fly small "indoor" paper rockets. The rockets can be used for a range of activities into forces and movement in which students collect data and interpret the results.

This article looks at how STEM subjects can help students learn about key environmental issues using the National Association for Environmental Education's (NAEE) teacher handbooks about 'The Environmental Curriculum' and details of the 'Sustainable Development Goals' launched at the 2015 Paris agreement on climate...
