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Eddie is the head of device and sim technology at Vodafone UK, his discusses his role in this video. Eddie and his team make sure customers’ handsets works with Vodafone's network. He aims to provide a good customer experience as well as working with the latest technology. He did well at school and studied maths,...

This video presents James, head of engineering for a radio company. James discusses how after finishing school he didn't know what to study at university. After discovering a passion for sound engineering he went on to study it further, and how he was offered the role of junior engineer. James also discusses his...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Coding and computer science

*Code Club and Computing ++

*Tips for teaching programming


*Teaching encryption with spreadsheets

*Scratch sensorboards (picoboards)


This guide has been written to support teachers and technicians who would like to build a combat robot. It describes:

  • a range of different types of robots that you could make, discussing armour, weaponry, drive and control.
  • advice for the design process
  • health and safety...

This series of resources use the theme of football on the Moon to allow students to develop their knowledge and skills in science, design thinking and engineering. Resource activities are available for both primary and secondary level:

Primary level activities...

In this full scheme of work, designed for a series of two-hour double-lessons, students develop a Mars Rover for NASA based on a standard VEX design. They learn about the components of a robotics system including control units and data communications, and work through a design process towards a prototype. The VEX...

A range of Nuffield Foundation resources for students to develop and reveal their capability, longer more open tasks requiring designing, making and evaluating are necessary. Sometimes these activities are referred to as projects, or design and making assignments. In Nuffield Design and Technology these are called...

A selection of chooser charts developed by the Nuffield Foundation, focusing on designing at Key Stage Four to help students make decisions about approaches to take for strategy and communication. Tasks are available for Key Stage Four in electronic products, food technology, graphics products, product design and...

A set of Key Stage Four Nuffield Foundation capability tasks focusing on the design, making and evaluation of electronic products.

For students to develop and reveal their capability longer more open tasks requiring designing, making and evaluating are necessary. Sometimes these activities are referred to as...

A set of Key Stage Four Nuffield Foundation chooser charts focusing on electronic products.

Chooser charts help students make decisions about approaches to take for strategy and communication. The chooser charts are particularly useful when students are tackling open-ended projects, such as capability tasks...

A set of Key Stage Four Nuffield Foundation resource tasks focusing on electronic products.

Resource tasks are short, practical focused, activities designed to teach the resources for capability in a way which should intrigue and amuse students.

MagPi is the official Raspberry Pi magazine. Articles range from beginner guides through to advanced programming and physical computing projects. Many of the articles are of use to teachers using Raspberry Pi computers - these have been selected and are contained within this collection.

In this design challenge from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, students make a linear actuator. The lead screw linear actuator uses a motor driven screw thread to move a threaded slider along its length. Limit switches turn off the motor when the slider...

In this design challenge from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, students construct a lever that is moved by muscle wire. This is a conductor that contracts when an electric current is passed through it. The wire movement controls a lever.


In this design challenge from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, students make a rotating arm actuator. This uses a geared dc motor to turn a friction fit arm. Two cams can be set at different angles to operate limit switches to control the movement of the...
