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This activity  from Plotr uses the game of bingo as a way of  getting students to  think creatively about the range of careers available in STEM sectors, particularly careers in construction and engineering.

This resource provides a cross-curricular design and technology and science project aimed at primary children. Using the context of the school class going to Greenland and forgetting all their shoes, children are asked to construct shoe soles that will insulate them as they take part in a dog-sled trip. Children...

An activity to build an animal shelter for the winter which provides suggestions for the range (and types) of materials required.

This resource, from the Microbiology Society, gives an overview of role of the immune system and how it is affected by training intensity. Exercise can have both a positive and negative effect on immune function and can influence an individual’s vulnerability to...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these materials put curriculum science in a real-life context. The activities are based on the development of a new cough syrup.

Children identify the best conditions for growing micro-organisms to produce the active ingredient in the cough...

This resource is part of a collection of Nuffield Maths resources exploring Algebra. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in GCE A level.

In the ‘Coughs and sneezes’ resource students have to use polynomial and trigonometric functions to model the number of people suffering from a cold over several weeks...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This presentation investigates the value of π in different types of geometry and provides a link for students to experiment with Hyperbolic geometry. The classic definition of a distance function, or metric, is given and a...

In this activity, produced by the European Space Agency, students will consider whether life found in extreme environments on Earth could survive elsewhere in the Solar System. Students will examine the characteristics of different places in the Solar System and then use fact cards of some example extremophiles to...

This Catalyst article looks at how tomato plants have been genetically modified so that they produce high levels of substances thought to reduce the risk of diseases including cancer and heart disease.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 27, Issue 3.


In this activity, pupils compare Earth and Mars in the context of geography and science. They will begin by comparing the positions of both planets in the solar system, and end by designing their own life forms that could potentially survive on Mars.

Part of the Uncut Classroom series from teachers TV, this video shows an uninterrupted science lesson for Year Nine students. As part of their...

Data in computers is stored and transmitted as a series of zeros and ones. In this activity students explore how words and numbers can be represented using just these two symbols. This resource includes ideas teachers can use to introduce the topic in order to develop understanding of the binary system followed by...

This activity from the Institution of Engineering and Technology involves interpreting and using hieroglyphic symbols for simple mathematical functions.

Pupils will discover how the Ancient Egyptians used a decimal system using 7 different symbols for numbers up to 1,000,000, They will learn how to write...

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at students in Year Two looks at counting, reading and ordering whole numbers up to 100. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button. To return to the menu page click on the musical...

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at students in Year Three look at counting, reading and ordering whole numbers up to 1000. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

