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This project looks at the animation of a character created in Project Pinocchio. Students use the tools in Autodesk Maya to create a 10 – 15 second dance routine for the character. Students are introduced to some basic navigation around Autodesk Maya before learning how to pose their characters using a HumanIK...

This is a problem solving lesson, designed to help you assess how well students are able to:

  • Select appropriate mathematical methods to use for an unstructured problem
  • Interpret a problem situation, identifying constraints and variables and specify assumptions.
  • Work with 2- and 3-...

This resource, from the University of Nottingham, describes a number of investigations which could be carried out in heathland habitats. Heathlands are excellent habitats to use for designing and carrying out experiments. Plants are often relatively easy to identify when compared with other habitats and...

In this activity, pupils will use the theme of the London Marathon to respond to a design context, investigate the context on the internet and design a wheelchair for sports use. 

Pupils will consider the use of different search...

Inspired by the Born to Engineer video from Mathew Holloway, this resource uses the Crumble controller, setting students a design challenge that sees them create their own umbilical controlled buggy that can navigate small spaces. Although specific to the Crumble controller, this resource could be used as a design...

Designing the Future from Siemens is a set of activities which help students to discover the manufacturing process and how digitalisation is making factories smarter.

This resource includes an online interactive game which allows pupils to explore a smart factory highlighting the different areas in the...

Trainers are one of the most commonly worn shoes in our culture. They provide comfortable support for our feet as we go about our active lives. The design of trainers (and all athletic shoes) is based on how they will be used and is an example of bioengineering.

This activity introduces the concept...

This is a problem solving lesson that is designed to help students to:

  • Understand the connection between relative frequency and probability
  • Gain experience of designing and carrying out a probability experiment
  • Calculate a theoretical probability for a practical scenario

In this resource students are given a quadrilateral with one angle of 60 degrees and varying side lengths- with two of the sides of equal length. The challenge is to calculate the lengths of the diagonals.

Each student worksheet contains a different quadrilateral, but the solutions all have something in...

In this resource, learners will investigate a decade counter circuit. They will then compare the operation of this to their programmable counter. 

This activity, suitable for a cross-STEM project day or series of lessons, focuses on how information can be provided to travellers on the London Underground. Students are asked to consider user needs – what information would they need to see, and how might their requirements be communicated? A deep understanding...

When teachers are introduced to ideas from research, they seek to make sense of the findings they are presented with by reflecting on their own practice and how they anticipate the research findings may or may not fit with the ways they view teaching, learning and assessment. 

Author: Chris Harrison

This problem solving lesson is designed to assess how well students understand strength of correlation.

The problem looks at some scatter diagrams related to a cinema. The owner is looking to see if there is a correlation between:

  • Temperature and ice creams sold
  • Length of movie and...

This interactive resource, produced by the University of Leicester, is designed to enable students to explore the differential function of a polynomial and conclude by forming a generalisation.

An instruction page explains to students that they should draw a polynomial. Then by sliding the slider the...

This SATIS Revisited resource is a structured group discussion activity, which looks at the use and abuse of drugs to enhance sporting performance.

The unit provides a rationale for teaching about ethical issues in science for students age 14–16. The aim is to introduce the idea that the discussion of...
