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This creative activity from ARKive is designed to teach key stage two students about the concept of adaptation. Using the marine environment as an example, students learn about how different species are adapted physically or behaviourally to survive in a particular type of habitat. Students then design their own...

This activity is a bingo game designed to help children learn about the human skeleton. It contains two sets of cards one showing bones of the body and the other the names of the bones corresponding to the pictures.

Provided by Early Years Learning HQ, the cards may be printed out and laminated for use in...

Is it possible to use a 'broken calculator' in this activity to make a given set of numbers?

Students are required to show how they would use each calculator to generate the numbers from one to twenty.

These resources, published by BEAM, are aimed at Key Stage Two and give students opportunities to practise and consolidate their mathematical knowledge through playing games.

The games and their mathematical content are :

*Shapes - counting sides of shapes

*20 or more - addition to 20


Published by BEAM these games and puzzles from Maths of the Month give students the opportunity to practise and consolidate their mathematical knowledge and understanding in an enjoyable and cooperative way.

The mathematical content of each games is:

*Dice wars - single digit multiplication


In this activity children are challenged to solve a range of problems relating to capacity in a meaningful context. Children choose a card from a series of cards with capacities indicated on them. They then work in pairs or small groups to discuss how they can create the quantity by using three containers of...

This resource contains three ideas for card games involving Planets of the Solar System. It includes instructions for playing the games and the cards of the Planets with key facts about them. The games are Trump Card, Snap and Families. This activity has been provided by European Universe Awareness (EU-UNAWE).

These career cards have been designed to be used alongside a presentation with 9 to 11 year olds to raise their awareness of the range of STEM careers open to them, career opportunities available in industry and the advantages of studying STEM subjects when they are older. The resource includes instructions for...

In this problem solving activity children choose and carry out a range of calculations in order to plan a Christmas event. The party has to suit a particular number of people and fit within a specific budget so they have to make decisions by looking at realistic pricing options such as: per-person, according to...

Climate Change: It’s In Our Hands is a classroom-based board game which helps pupils in upper key stage two (7 to 11 years) explore and discuss the complexities of the global climate emergency and test out possible strategies to mitigate it.

Over four rounds, groups of pupils invest in actions that...

This activity focuses on coin recognition and addition skills. Designed to be used as a bingo game involving calculation, it may also be used as a simple sorting and matching activity.

Each child has a Bingo Board featuring nine stamps, a selection of coins in a bag and a set of counters to mark off the...

This resource focuses on developing coin recognition skills in either a bingo game or a collecting, sorting and matching activity. As a Bingo game, each child should have a board and the group also need a selection of coins in a bag. Children take it in turns to select a coin at random from the bag, covering a...

This STEM activity supports pupils to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division multi-step problems in context, giving them the opportunity to decide which operation to use and justify why. This activity is based on the Countdown TV show, pupils will be asked to select 5 random numbers and work out a...

This set of activities introduces children to cryptography techniques, showing how the use of computers can make encryption quicker and more effective. Some notable examples of the use of encryption in history are mentioned, leading to the use of calculation machines for code-making and code-breaking.


This activity from Cre8ate maths explores Platonic solids, which are formed from regular polygons where all their faces are identical and all their vertices are identical too. Students are told that there are only five platonic solids, which they can build using triangles, squares and pentagons. Completing the...
