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Activities are posts made by educators to share a volunteering opportunity and request support. Here you will find examples of good activity postings for primary settings to be used as inspiration for your own posts. 

This collection of resources from the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) are designed for use by STEM Ambassadors and/or teachers to ...

This series of resources have been created to highlight to pupils the importance of water in society. The water cycle activity introduces pupils to the concept of the water cycle and the science involved, whilst 'How much water do we waste?' is an investigation where pupils measure the volume of water used when...

This collection of resources for primary and secondary aged pupils have been created to inspire pupils about topics linked to the work of the Environment Agency such as water, biodiversity and the impact of climate change.  ...

This activity, created for use by teachers and/or Environment Agency STEM Ambassadors with the help of a teacher, has been designed to make pupils realise how much water they are wasting. Pupils will carry out an investigation where they...

Climate Ambassadors can help your nursery, school, college or MAT develop a climate action plan for free. They can help you take the first step in getting started or help you develop your plans and put them into action. This guidance outlines what you need to do to request a Climate Ambassador and how to ensure you...

This set of activities is designed for a STEM Ambassador to use when introducing their work in the highways and transport industry to pupils aged 5 to 7. They can also be used by teachers to introduce transportation related activities and careers...

The STEM Ambassador Impact Tool provides a quick and easy method of collecting impact data. STEM Ambassador Hubs, STEM Ambassadors and educators are encouraged to use the tool to evidence the impact of engagement on young people. Click below to access the tool and the supporting guidance.


STEM Learning has partnered with the British Science Association (BSA) to create a resource for STEM Ambassadors and teachers to help them support and run effective project-based learning. Project-based learning is a teaching method which involves students designing and running their own projects based around real...

This pack is intended to support STEM Ambassadors. This resource will explain how you can be an effective project mentor and how you can provide this support remotely....

This pack is intended to support teachers. This resource is focused on how to effectively recruit and engage STEM Ambassadors.

Project-based learning is a teaching method which...

This resource gives a teacher the materials to be able to create a working wall on the topic of water which they can build and add to over a series of lessons.

The idea behind the working wall is that the resources are used to create a display which develops over a period of time as pupils undertake...

This activity has been designed to connect primary teachers, pupils and schools with staff from a wide range of job and career roles in the Environment Agency. It is guidance on how an Environment Agency STEM Ambassador can talk to children to inspire them with their enthusiasm for their role at the Environment...