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This matching activity from the Core Maths Support Programme covers the definitions of different measures of location and dispersion. 

The teachers' notes suggest that it may be used as a starter or for revision, as well as including more information and teaching suggestions for...

This Core Maths revision exercise gives the opportunity for students to practise calculating different measures of location and dispersion, and to interpret their results. 

The activity sheet contains discrete data and grouped data questions, including some where students are...

This Core Maths revision activity explores how to calculate and interpret different measures of location and dispersion.

It covers calculations with raw data, discrete frequency distributions and grouped frequency distributions. Students calculate averages, standard deviation...

The BBC micro:bit is a great tool for carrying out surveys that involve quickly counting and recording one or two variables. Using the button inputs provides a simple interface to the device allowing, for instance, quick tallying of the numbers of two different types of bee around a plant. Other examples might...

This Core Maths task explores the Normal distribution through looking at the weights of new born babies.

Baby boom: Teacher guidance
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested approaches and possible extensions.


This resource is based on two aspects of the design of bar codes used for products on sale in shops. The first aspect is that of a check digit and how it works; the second aspect is that of the actual design for the strips of numbers that make up bar codes. This...

Three RISP activities designed to introduce or consolidate basic algebraic skills.

Brackets Out, Brackets In: students are asked to insert integers into a statement containing brackets in order to...

These activities have been developed for the National HE STEM Programme to be used in conjunction with the video resources found in this collection.


This ACME report, from 2015, looks at what high-quality initial teacher education (ITE) for teachers of mathematics should look like.

Robert Barbour, Chair of the ACME ITE Working Group said at the time of publication: 'Everyone is in agreement that improving the mathematical skills of young people in...

In this activity students calculate Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient. The activity consists of students listening to the first few seconds of ten famous songs, ranking them and then comparing their ranking with an official ranking.


This package of Core Maths resources explore how to solve bin packing problems using the first fit decreasing algorithm.

Bin Packing: Teacher guide
The teacher guide presentation contains an introduction to the topic through the plumber’s dilemma before working through the best possible...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that if a link is suspected between a risk factor and an illness, statistical methods can be used to test whether such a link exists. Topic areas covered are:...

In this activity, students are challenged to produce a scatter diagram consisting of ten points that give a product moment correlation coefficient of exactly 0.99. Students are expected to appreciate that the points will lie almost exactly on a straight line with at least one point being slightly out. The answer...

This Core Maths resource includes data from which students can calculate correlation coefficients. The resources includes a card sort that matches up scatter-graphs, data tables and product moment correlation coefficients. 

The teachers' notes give detailed teaching suggestions on how to introduce and...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at black holes. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in the maths and physical science post-16 curriculum. Problems consist of a student page and an answer sheet. Students need to be...
