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The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is an independent, non-departmental public body. It is a science-driven organisation, making it possible for a broad range of scientists to do the highest quality research tackling some of the most fundamental scientific questions. This collection contains...

This booklet, produced by Dr. Lucie Green, from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, and funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), contains four simple activities to enrich the teaching of solar system science. The activities are: Keeping Safe in the Sun – learning about UV and sun cream; Sun...

Alkaseltzer rockets

The Naked Scientists are a group of physicists, science communicators, astronomers and researchers from Cambridge University. They use radio, live lectures and the internet to strip science down to its bare essentials and promote it to the general public.

Podcasts from the Naked Scientists are supported by...

This activity, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, introduces students to ways of combining errors (uncertainties) from two independent measured quantities. Using the equation for Doppler shift, the error in the rotational velocity and time period are calculated....

This Catalyst article investigates how polymer materials can be designed and printed with electrical properties that allow them to be used in wearable electronic devices. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science...

This edition of space:UK, from the UK Space Agency, looks at the possibility of a spaceport in the UK, a report on the increasing market for small satellites in the UK, and meets some of the winners of the Great British Space Dinner Competition. Articles include: *Recent news: Countdown to comet landing, British...

This special edition of space:uk, from the UK Space Agency, focusses on the mission of European Space Agency astronaut, Tim Peake, and the educational activities linked to his stay on board the International Space Station. Articles in this edition include: *Principia Mission – From launch to landing, what does Tim...

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains a variety of news stories and features on:
*Green planet - how space is helping to save one of the world's more valuable resources
*Space, time and LISA - the UK-built mission to invesitgate...

This edition of space:UK, from the UK Space Agency, looks at the new developments at Harwell, in Oxfordshire, new spacecraft that will get closer to the Sun than ever before, and how space-borne technology is helping archaeologists. Articles include: *Recent news: Smartphone in space, UK plans for Jupiter, go-ahead...

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of space:UK explores the new European mission to Mars, detailing how astronauts prepare for launching into orbit to political and technological discussions with the UK Space Minister. This issue also answers sent-in questions on mining the Moon and the success of the...

This edition of the magazine, from the UK Space Agency includes:

  • The discovery Beagle 2 on Mars
  • The AstroPi code competition
  • The landing of Philae on comet 67P in pictures
  • The UK's new funding for space programmes
  • British built space technology
  • The...

This special space:UK issue from the UK Space Agency, celebrating 50 years of the UK’s expansion into space, looks into stories about the first British satellite, and its demise, and the latest of innovative ideas such as a European spacecraft designed to fly closer to the sun than ever before. Articles in this...

This edition of space:UK, from the UK Space Agency, includes a focus on Clyde space, the satellite company based in Glasgow, the upcoming JUICE mission – and its goal of studying Jupiter’s icy moons, and astronaut Tim Peake’s preparation for his mission to the International Space Station, in 2015. Articles include...
