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This activity, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, is designed to help students find out all about the Moon, and some of the other 200+ moons that orbit other planets in the solar system.


Pupils are introduced to six farmers who live and work in the mountainous regions of Western Nepal. Each of the farmers has a different story to tell, but they all have a lot in common, they share the struggle to produce enough food to feed their families and to sell at a market in a region affected by climate...

This Cre8ate maths activity allows the opportunity to discuss the modelling function of mathematics. The tasks allow students to develop their own strategies and to consider the idea of an ‘efficient’ algorithm. In addition, 'First fit and full bins' activity involves work on ratio and pie charts.

This resource, from the Nuffield Foundation, was published in the early 1970s as part of the Science Teacher Education Project (STEP). The book contains detailed reviews of over ninety films that might be used in the professional preparation of teachers at that time. The book is therefore of very limited interest...

This resource from Ofsted is a full report and summary of the findings from a visit, in September 2009, made by two of Her Majesty's Inspectors to educational establishments in Finland. Evidence was gathered from three schools and a university from each of three towns about the factors that contributed to Finnish...

An ideal lesson plan for the lead up to fireworks night! This is about making sparkles flash with random intervals and colours. It can also be made more difficult by using LDRs.

This challenge, from Practical Action, requires students to design and build a model structure that will enable farmers to grow crops even in an area that may become flooded. A floating garden, built on a base of aquatic weeds, is a low cost and sustainable way of allowing people to grow vegetables. The resource...

In this lesson, students devise their own flood warning device and create a technical brief for an international audience using recognised circuit symbols. They also consider how people both here and in Nepal can best prepare for floods. Heavy monsoon rains can devastate communities in Nepal. The severe flooding...

This topic, from the Association for Science Education, explores the cultural aspects of food. The topic allows classes in schools across the world to exchange information about the foods found locally, and the connections between diet and health.

After exchanging their findings and views with students in...

Customers increasingly demand food that has been produced with minimal damage to the environment. In this activity from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, students work out how to make a fish and chip shop as environmentally friendly as possible. They then highlight their decisions in an...


Fraction Matcher gives students the opportunity to explore the concept of fractions. The “Fractions Screen” contains eight levels of matching fractions using fractions less than one up to improper fraction representations for fractions greater than one. The “Mixed Number Screen” concentrates upon fractions greater...

Designed to improve confidence in mathematics, these resources from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, focus on fractions and were developed particularly for primary teachers and those non-specialists who teach mathematics in the lower secondary years.

Each section offers an overview of a...

In this Future of Flight challenge pupils explore the questions: 'Can machines think?', 'What is intelligence?' and 'What do we mean by artificial intelligence?' They explore where AI is used, spot patterns, continuing patterns and sequences. Students...

In this Future of Flight challenge pupils create a system to send messages using LED signals through fibre optics, look at binary numbers as a form of communication, create a sorting machine that can order numbers and communicate in teams to build shapes and puzzles....
