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In this Core Maths task students construct line graphs for time series data, calculate the moving average and interpret the graph, stating conclusions.

Moving Averages: Front sheet
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested...

In this maths based activity learners will find stations along a rail network, based on journey times and using a known starting position. The task involves adding different combinations of journey times to identify the answer.


Produced in 2015, this resource looks at glass microspheres, which contain radioactive Y-90, and are currently being used to treat liver cancer in humans, where their chemical durability is of prime importance.


This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to compare old and new technologies (railway five-pointer telegraph against the SMS message) to experience how significant the advances in technology have been. The nature of...

In this SATIS Revisited resource, students examine data, perform a risk assessment, and see how risks are sometimes reported in the media.

This unit focuses on the consumer and considers whether or not we should be concerned about any pesticide residues that may be found on fruit and vegetables. In the first...

This resource from Siemens encourages students to think about medical diagnosis and how information can assist the doctor in being effective and accurate. Students are asked to suggest ideas about the characteristics of a useful image to support a medical diagnosis. They then look at the properties of sound, how...

This activity focuses on promoting a product to a particular target user group. Teamwork, creativity and entrepreneurial skills are required to design, brand and market a new Nintendo Wii product.

In this activity,...

The aim of this experiment is for students to be able to determine for themselves the threshold voltage needed to activate a range of LEDs of different colours. From these values, combined with a knowledge of the wavelengths of each LED, students can plot a graph to determine a value for Planck’s constant. The...

The Science upd8 activity set in the context of the universe. Earlier missions failed to find life on other planets. Is it still worth looking? Can we justify the expense of the search for extra terrestrial intelligence? Students will be deciding just how likely intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy is.

In this practical activity, students use magnification to examine leaves showing symptoms of a common plant disease and produce labelled drawings of the fungal spores.

The activity will help students to demonstrate the following learning outcomes at KS4:

  • describe a common plant disease...

This issue of Big Picture provides lots of interesting information about flowering plants and their uses. 

The plant hormones animation explores the action of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and shows how scientists used experimental evidence to explain the role of auxins in a phototrophic response.


This resource, from the Royal Institution, provides a practical experience which introduces students to the classification of 3D shapes. Modelling equipment is used to construct solids and explore possible shapes that can be formed with only triangular, square or pentagonal faces. Students also learn about Platonic...


Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics professional development materials. Features notes and presentations describing the active learning approaches.

Getting started To encourage participants to: * reflect on their current assumptions, beliefs, and teaching practices; * consider...

This Licence to Cook tutorial is about being safe and hygienic when buying, carrying and storing food. The differentiated slides cover:

• Looking at the quality of food when shopping
• Storing food, including the use of the fridge and freezer
• Date marks
• Preparing the kitchen
