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Eddie is the head of device and sim technology at Vodafone UK, his discusses his role in this video. Eddie and his team make sure customers’ handsets works with Vodafone's network. He aims to provide a good customer experience as well as working with the latest technology. He did well at school and studied maths,...

This video presents James, head of engineering for a radio company. James discusses how after finishing school he didn't know what to study at university. After discovering a passion for sound engineering he went on to study it further, and how he was offered the role of junior engineer. James also discusses his...



The Propagator project introduces students to hydraulic systems and their inner workings. Using a...


Alan Cucknell's job consists of finding new and innovative ways to make their clients' products stand out from the crowd. This...

This IET DIY Faraday Challenge asks students to design and prototype a product or process involved in creating the James Webb Space Telescope. Your design must include an electric circuit and should be designed as a working prototype.


This is one of a set of resources developed to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum. They are designed to support the delivery of key topics within science and design and technology. This resource focusses on the investigation of how different supply voltages affect the brightness of a lamp....

Most of the food we buy comes packed in plastic, cardboard or tins and jars, but why? Children explore this question, by investigating the properties of...

