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In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look at different light sources through diffraction gratings. Using this system, students measure the wavelength of a laser and derive the grating formula.

The activities include:
* looking through gratings
* deriving the grating...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look at standing waves in musical instruments and measure their wavelength. Microwaves are used to estimate the speed of light.

The activities include:
* demonstrating waves in a rope
* how superposition results in standing waves...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode introduce students to electric fields, field lines and equipotentials. Similarities with gravitational fields are highlighted, but with the need to take account of the of charge.

The activities include:
• discussion and demonstration of field...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look at how a magnetic field can be quantified by measuring the force on a conductor. It illustrates how Flemming's left hand rule can be used to find the direction of the force. The activities include: 

  • investigating the relationship...

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, help students extend the idea of a magnetic force on a current to consider moving charges.

A range of activities are suggested and these include:
• demonstrating the deviation of an electron beam
• investigating the relationship between...

In these activities, from the Institute of Physics, students investigate electromagnetic induction. The learning episode develops a picture of induction as the cutting of lines of flux by a conductor, which leads to an induced electromotive force (emf) or current. The activities in this learning episode include:...

This learning episode, produced by the Institute of Physics, helps students to understand the photoelectric effect. A range of activities are described and these include: * demonstration of the photoelectric effect * discussion to summarise the phenomenon * using the photoelectric equation * the Millikan experiment...

In this learning episode from the Institute of Physics, the properties of ionizing radiation are introduced through a consideration of safety.

Students consider the ionising property of different radiations in relation to how this makes them dangerous to living things. They see that radiation with...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students investigate the absorption of radiation and how this can be illustrated experimentally. The investigations look at sources of alpha and beta radiation. A model, looking at the absorption of light as it passes through successive microscope slides, is...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look in detail at Rutherford’s experiment through discussion, demonstration and student experiment. The activities include: * discussing the significance of Rutherford’s experiment * demonstrating collisions and momentum * Rutherford scattering and...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students follow work on Rutherford scattering to look at diffraction graphs and calculate nuclear diameters.

The activities include:
* student experiment using an optical analogue to show diffraction around spherical objects
* diffraction...

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, guide students to measure specific heat capacities experimentally and then see how energy must be supplied (or rejected) to increase (or decrease) the temperature of a material. Calculations are used to quantify the...

In this learning episode, produced by the Institute of Physics, students investigate how energy is involved in changes of phase, even though there is no change of temperature.

Using discussion, examples and...

This block of resources provides 6 sessions on materials aimed at Year 2. They explore the useful properties of materials with a range of investigations involving absorbency and flexibility.  These include activities for finding out which type of kitchen towel or cloth is most effective at mopping up spills,...

A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award science course. The module begins by considering variation within humans and in other species and how this could arise. The gene theory of inheritance is then studied, and finally the structure and function...
