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Together with related activities from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), this resource allows students to investigate the wide range of sophisticated imaging technology available in modern hospitals, and to explore the latest ideas in search-and-rescue...

This resource was produced by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) as part of their 'At Work With Science' materials. In this interactive resource, students are introduced to the legal aspects of the Health and Safety regulations; the concept of risk assessments and how to develop them....

This guide, from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, draws on the advice of a number of experienced senior science technicians on how to set up a technician network. A local science technician network is a great way to share expertise, solve problems, gather ideas and to carry out cost effective...

Key Stage Three National Strategy training materials to run a day’s session with science teachers to help them develop an understanding of the key elements of Scientific Enquiry and how it might affect their practice.


This resource is set in the context of soil tests in a Martian environment. Students begin by researching suitable criteria for defining the presence of life. They analyse soil samples in tests similar to the experiments on the Mars Viking Lander and use their operational definition of life to determine whether...


This game teaches students the main principles of sexual selection and the difference between intrasexual and intersexual selection. Students discover why some animals have ornaments to attract mates (intersexual selection) while others have weapons to fight for mates (intrasexual selection).

Please note...

In this practical lesson from the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), students complete a number of different tests on a selection of materials and identify each one from its particular properties. The tests include Eureka cans, electrical circuits and other...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to how sensors can be used in smart applications of electronic systems.

The resource is designed so that students will know...

In this activity from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, students investigate the properties of different categories of smart materials and decide which kinds of materials might offer the best prospects for a financial investment. Students work in teams and...

The focus of this activity is on the principle of hydrodynamics through testing boat hull designs in a test tank.

This activity gives students the opportunity to explore and develop their critical thinking and decision making skills through a practical approach....

This Practical Action resource presents a fun hands-on and brains-on challenge for Key Stages Two to Five.

The problem:...

This is one of a suite of continuing professional development (CPD) units from the Department of Education covering the five ‘key ideas’ at Key Stage Three (cells, interdependence, particles, forces and energy). It links with the...

This is one of a suite of continuing professional development (CPD) units from the Department of Education covering the five ‘key ideas’ at Key Stage Three (cells, interdependence, particles, forces and energy). It links with the...
