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In this predict-observe-explain activity, students explore different ways of extinguishing a flame with some surprising results. The lesson is introduced with the video of engineer Yusuf Muhammad. Yusuf is developing a revolutionary new household fire-safety device, incorporating the techniques of professional...

These materials use the BLOODHOUND SSC land speed attempt as a context for teaching about forces, particularly forward thrust and frictional forces. The BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car (SSC) land-speed attempt aims to reach a target speed of 1000 miles per hour.

A very large forward driving force is required to...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Forensic science is widely featured in TV dramas and newspaper articles, though many people have a distorted view of this area.

The booklet introduces a range of qualitative and...

In this project students use a Eureka can to calculate the density of copper, brass and silver coins to three decimal places to determine whether they are pure metals.  They can investigate:

• How to use a Eureka can to prove that a modern 1p or 2p ‘copper’ or ‘bronze’ coin is neither pure copper nor bronze...

Aimed at primary level, this resource contains seven activity ideas which link to work on animals, living things and their habitats and design and technology. The activities, which contain step by step instructions and photographs, are:

* Making a mini-pond
* Pond dipping
* Making a toad home...


Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this activity engages students to consider the responsible use of chemicals and an analysis of the impact of a product through all the stages in its life. In this context, students attempt an analysis for different de-icers that might be used on...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), in this investigation, students look at the effectiveness of enzymes used in the commercial production of fruit juices.

Fruit juice companies use enzymes to break down the cells walls within the fruits and release the liquids and the sugars which make up...

The following classroom activities have been developed from SEPnet’s (South East Physics Network) GCSE programme. The activities are designed to use inexpensive equipment and tie in with the key themes for Key Stage Four physics in England and Wales. These themes...

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to space exploration:

* Communications project - students gather information about space exploration before making a presentation on the problems to be overcome with past and possible future benefits of space travel

* Practical project -...

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to the environmental impact of domestic cleaning products:

* Communications project - students gather information to explain how cleaning products can be harmful to the environment and recommend good practice that will help protect the environment...

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to the sports equipment a triathlete may use:

* Communications project - students act as members of a research team that develops prosthetic limbs and running shoes. Funding for this work is required. Students devise an approach to suitable...

In this project, students investigate how velocity and other factors affect the extent of bodywork damage in head-on collisions between model vehicles.

A family car travelling at 30 mph has about 90 kJ of kinetic energy. In a crash, this reduces to zero...

In this project, students measure the UV radiation to find out when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest. They will then compare a variety of different sun creams and sun blocks by measuring how much UV...

In this project, students design a series of tests to find the best toothbrush and obtain quantitative data.  Some examples of the properties ytheymay wish to test include:

