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In this STEMNET activity case study, Emma Welsh describes very different assignments that she has undertaken as a STEM Ambassador. These ranged from making bouncy balls with six-year-olds to describing to GCSE students how her life took twists and turns before she came to her current role as a systematic reviewer...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the STEM Ambassador work of Research Engineer Jonathan Dewsbury at a primary school in Hampshire. Jonathan showed children how to build high towers and is putting together a bridge building challenge for the Year 6 classes.

Jonahtan said, "The children respond...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the work of Vicki Hodges as a STEM Ambassador. In a wide range of activities, she has helped to build a space station in an infant school, worked at careers fairs for older students and lectured at universities. Vicki has worked with all age groups and enjoys sharing her...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the work of Lee Betts, who works at RAF Cosford, for the STEM Ambassador network and Engineering Education Scheme.

Lee trains other STEM Ambassadors to undertake activities and is also involved in the WISE (Women into Science, Engineering and Construction)...

In this STEMNET case study, STEM Ambassador Peter Damer talks about his work with socially, emotionally and behaviourally disturbed primary school students in Hertfordshire.

Peter had previously been a teacher and, having given up teaching to move into industry, he found that he missed working with students...

A STEMNET resource describing how STEM Ambassador, Dr Heather Williams, explained the physics behind CT imaging and nuclear medicine to GCSE and A Level students.

In an interactive lecture, Heather gave examples of a coronary angiography and a CT scan. She described how each works and the differences between...

In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Boye Odukunle describes a mock interview day that he took part in for Year 11 students.

Boye conducted the interviews. Each one lasted 30 minutes and included giving feedback to the students about their presentation, appearance and posture. The activity...

This STEMNET activity case study describes Jenny Tillotson's work as a STEM Ambassador. Jenny's activities include speaking at schools, running workshops and offering internships in her company, Sensory Design and Technology Ltd. Her presentations look at science fiction and fashion and include film clips and...

In this STEMNET activity case study, Graduate Engineer Andrew Keen describes a 'real life' project that he designed for sixth formers which involved developing an engine component. The Fuel Systems Team of his company was so impressed with the project that it is now working on a prototype component.


In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins describes how he works with children and teachers on projects such as building a musical dinosaur crest out of plumbing materials. This gave pupils hands-on engineering experience and an understanding of acoustics.

"You have to learn to...

Biomedical Horizons is a multi-pronged project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, designed to raise awareness and spark discussion about the biomedical sciences – from pursuing a career to their role within society.

The aim of this resource is to:
* raise awareness of biomedical sciences and the variety...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Emma Welsh. She works as a reviewer, analysing data from clinical trials of treatments for chronic respiratory diseases.

Emma analyses information which is then used by doctors, health authorities and others to decide on which...

These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...

This Leaflet explores the many different career options available in the pharmaceutical industry.

Chemists can work in a number of specific areas where they will use their scientific knowledge and skills. They can also work in a large number of other roles where a general scientific background is useful –...

Working in a school without a physics specialist, Catherine contacted STEMNET for help with meeting the specifications of a new curriculum. As a result, the school gained help from a STEM Ambassador who not only explained particle physics in an accessible way but also showed how exciting careers in physics could be...
