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In these videos, STEM Ambassadors describe why they took on the role and the benefits both for the students they visit and for themselves. The first video, Auditioning the STEM Ambassadors, was made by students who tested 16 STEM Ambassador finalists of a competition to choose a number who would feature in a series...

STEM Learning has partnered with the British Science Association (BSA) to create a resource for STEM Ambassadors and teachers to help them support and run effective project-based learning. Project-based learning is a teaching method which involves students designing and running their own projects based around real...

This pack is intended to support STEM Ambassadors. This resource will explain how you can be an effective project mentor and how you can provide this support remotely....

This STEM Ambassador Impact Report was written in 2016. For further, current information about the STEM Ambassador Programme please visit 

STEM Ambassadors are a UK national treasure. An important and...

These four resources co-produced by STEM Learning and the Museum of Science and industry introduce teachers and STEM Ambassadors to a variety of  STEM Ambassador activities.  All of the activities include a separate guide to the activity for both  the teacher and the STEM Ambassador.

In the hot seat...

We know that sometimes it can be difficult to visualise what STEM Ambassadors actually do.

Even after speaking to colleagues who are old hands at delivering activities, questions can still remain. Why do I need to meet the teacher first? What if the students are bored? How do I make it relevant? Where do I...

The Frederick Bremer School used three days during the summer term ‘off timetable’ week for this project which included a day visit to King’s Cross Station with a STEM Ambassador from Transport for London (TfL). The visit provided students with insight into the issues and ideas regarding the redevelopment...

This pack is intended to support teachers. This resource is focused on how to effectively recruit and engage STEM Ambassadors.

Project-based learning is a teaching method which...

This activity introduces the idea that climate change is leading to a greater risk of flooding due to higher levels of rainfall in a short period of time. The main part of the activity is a design challenge for the pupils highlighting how...


Students from Townley Grammar School for Girls created a product to encourage wildlife into gardens with the assistance of a STEM Ambassador.
Students used principles of good design, based on biomimicry, and commercial sense to make a prototype product for judging that would be commercially viable for a client...

This work experience and site tour guide has been written for employers linked to the construction sector. It provides:

  • information on how to run a site visit, including a suggested timetable
  • activity suggestions for a one week work experience
  • guidance for planning workplace events...
