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This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about electrical testing was developed in association with a company called Square D Ltd in Swindon, Wiltshire. At the time of publication Square D was a major manufacturer of electrical equipment, operating more...

In these experiments students make and test circuits to investigate a range of effects:

Section A: Transforming a d.c. power supply
*Experiment A(i): Step-up voltage regulator
*Experiment A(ii): Step-down voltage regulator
*Experiment A(iii): High current step-down regulator

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about the physics of fluid flow was developed in association with the Dowty Group,. At the time, the company had four divisions that were Aerospace and Defence, Mining, Industrial, and Electronics. The Group...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about optical fibres was developed in association with the General Electric Company (GEC). At the time of publication GEC was the largest manufacturer of electrical and electronic products in the United Kingdom,...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about the industrial use of micro-organisms was developed in association with Nipa Laboratories Ltd. At the time, the company was recognised throughout the world as a specialist in the production of microbiocides...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about extracting metals from scrap was developed in association with ECR Ltd. This was a secondary copper refining company which was first established in Birmingham in 1807. Its origins could be traced back to...

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about properties of metals was developed in association with the British Aerospace Dynamics Group. At the time the Dynamics Group employed over 20,000 people at ten major design/production establishments...

This reliable practical allows students to use algae to look at the rate of photosynthesis with quantifiable and replicable results. In this protocol, the...

By Solar Spark, this activity explores the relationship between light scattering and colour through anodising. This is the electrochemical process used to thicken the protective oxide layer found on several metals. Aluminium is the most common metal treated in this way, but others, including titanium can also be...

The search for life on other worlds is one of the most fascinating contexts that science lessons can have. In this guide, several of the resources focus on practical experiments or investigations that link astrobiology to the science curriculum. In all cases, regular scientific concepts such as factors affecting...

Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR) has provided a free online learning platform for schools which includes curriculum linked activities, developed to support secondary school students. These activities provide the opportunity for students to join a growing community of citizen scientists who are...

This document, published by SCORE, provides guidance to schools and colleges on the resourcing expectations of practical work in the sciences, to ensure all students receive a well-rounded science education.

It provides a comprehensive list of the levels of resourcing that SCORE considers necessary to carry...

A good brief is the foundation for the success of any building project. The objective of the ongoing brief-making ...

The Youth Grand Challenges is a new STEM competition that aims to inspire students aged 11-to-19.  This resource provides a selection of ideas for research or practical projects on the subect of the spread of disease.

Curriculum links include pathogens, bacteria, epidemics, pandemics, malaria, water borne...

These buying guides from CLEAPSS look at what should be considered before investing in key pieces of school laboratory equipment, as well as listing the essential and desirable features.

These guides focus on:
* Low-voltage power supplies
* Portable autoclaves and pressure cookers
