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From the Institute of Physics, this resource uses discussion, worked examples and modelling to help students appreciate the energy changes that take place as a body moves in a gravitational field. The learning episode is quite extended and gives a good grounding in these ideas.

The activities look at:...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode introduce students to electric fields, field lines and equipotentials. Similarities with gravitational fields are highlighted, but with the need to take account of the of charge.

The activities include:
• discussion and demonstration of field...

This learning resource, from the Institute of Physics, introduce students to Coulomb’s law which describes the force between two charges. The activities compare this to the way Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation gives the force between two masses. Both follow the inverse-square law. The difference being that an...

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, introduces field strength and potential energy for electric fields. Comparisons with gravitational fields are also made.

The activities include:
* discussion of field strength
* worked examples on field strength
* discussion about...

This learning episode, produced by the Institute of Physics, discuss the physics of the uniform electric field, such as that between two parallel charged plates. The definitions of field strength and potential lead to different results than those for the non-uniform field.

The activities in this learning...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode uses demonstrations, experiments and questions to help students learn about electromagnetic fields. These consider their strength and direction.

The activities include:
• demonstrating the field around a permanent magnet
• field...

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, help students extend the idea of a magnetic force on a current to consider moving charges.

A range of activities are suggested and these include:
• demonstrating the deviation of an electron beam
• investigating the relationship between...

In these activities, from the Institute of Physics, students investigate electromagnetic induction. The learning episode develops a picture of induction as the cutting of lines of flux by a conductor, which leads to an induced electromotive force (emf) or current. The activities in this learning episode include:...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, these discussions and demonstrations show that in a generator, motion of a conductor in a magnetic field induces an electromotive force (emf). In a transformer, it is the changing field that induces an emf in a fixed conductor.

The activities in this learning episode...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode helps students to understand the emission spectra of white light and from standard discharge lamps. There are a range of activities that include discussion, demonstrations, experiments and calculations. The activities in this learning episode include: *...

Through demonstrations, discussions and worked examples, students are introduced to the phenomenon of wave-particle duality. Students learn that electrons, which are often thought of as particles, can sometimes behave as waves.


In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students investigate the absorption of radiation and how this can be illustrated experimentally. The investigations look at sources of alpha and beta radiation. A model, looking at the absorption of light as it passes through successive microscope slides, is...

In this learning episode, produced by the Institute of Physics, students look at the decay processes that result in the emission of ionising radiation.

The activities in this learning episode include:
* looking at nuclide notation and N-Z plots
* types of decay processes
* practice...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students use discussion, demonstration and worked examples to look at the exponential decay and radioactive half-life of a range of nuclides. These include sources of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

The activities in this learning episode include:...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode will help students look mathematically at the meaning and relevance of the decay constant. A simple model is used to illustrate radioactive decay. The activities look at the decay constant and help students to link this with the half-life of an isotope....
