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This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Emma Welsh. She works as a reviewer, analysing data from clinical trials of treatments for chronic respiratory diseases.

Emma analyses information which is then used by doctors, health authorities and others to decide on which...

These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...

This Leaflet explores the many different career options available in the pharmaceutical industry.

Chemists can work in a number of specific areas where they will use their scientific knowledge and skills. They can also work in a large number of other roles where a general scientific background is useful –...

Working in a school without a physics specialist, Catherine contacted STEMNET for help with meeting the specifications of a new curriculum. As a result, the school gained help from a STEM Ambassador who not only explained particle physics in an accessible way but also showed how exciting careers in physics could be...

From the YWCA, this leaflet describes how the organisation offers an alternative curriculum that tackles a wide range of topics such as career choices, gender stereotypes, assertiveness and confidence, in order to help young women to make informed choices about the work they do. The leaflet contains information on...

This leaflet sets out the wide range of fields in which geoscientists work and how they play an essential role in many aspects of life, from economics to health.

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Colin Glen, a project engineer working in a construction company.

Colin has worked on many great buildings in London. He is part of a team that ensures the comnpany's design, plans and construction meet the required specifications...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Vicki Hodges, an Attitude and Orbit Control Systems engineer working on a project to develop an unmanned spacecraft.

Having joined the Astrium graduate scheme, Vicki has moved around the company and gained experience in a variety of...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematical models try to understand the causes of rogue waves. These huge waves appear without warning, towering high over ships and oil rigs. Traditional mathematical models could not predict the occurrence...

This resource is aimed at students and is a 22 page document outlining the careers of 9 people involved with the SAMHE project, designed to inspire future careers in research. The people include a communications specialist, project manager and web developer, as well as researchers.

Debbie Lumb is an Assistant Headteacher in a science specialist college and is working with three colleagues to boost students' engagement with STEM subjects both in and out of school. Her team has received practical advice and support from STEMNET which provides them with training, networking and other events....

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins, a design engineer and Director of a small independent consultancy.

Chris uses maths to help companies solve problems by developing mathematical models and associated software to help select appropriate materials and...

James Briscoe studies the highly structured development of the central nervous systems in embryos. For James, personal drive and self-motivation are key to success in science. A better understanding of the development of the spinal cord will shed light on diseased and damaged nervous systems, and the hope is that...

EDT is a charity that offers a comprehensive portfolio of activities designed to promote STEM courses and careers to specific target groups of students, including females and ethnic minorities. This leaflet describes some of their courses and provides contact details for further information.

ENTHUSE Placements give teachers an opportunity to experience invaluable placements in a leading UK STEM organisation or university. It allows teachers to take away a wealth of knowledge for their students to transform their understanding of STEM careers and enrich the teaching of STEM subjects.

