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The mathematical solution initially explains how to find the maximum and minimum values of f(x) = 5sin x + 2cos x and how to find, in radians to 2 decimal places, the smallest positive values of x at which they occur. f(x) is written in the form Rcos(x + α). Explanation is then given as to how the maximum and...

[b]Modulus graphs:[/b] the objectives of this activity are to understand the concepts and notation of modulus graphs and to expose common misconceptions in the interpretation of modulus notation. The suggested activity asks groups of students to match function cards with graphs and to explain their thinking....

Published by LSIS, this report describes research by Worcester College. The aim of the project was to assess the impact of gathering real data on the generation of enthusiasm and engagement of students studying level 3 statistics. A practical activity based on determining the statistical significance of differences...

[b]Using positional vocabulary[/b]: the objective of this activity is for students to practise using positional vocabulary. The suggested activity requires students to hide an object in the classroom, then give directions to other students in order to find the missing object. The resource contains many prompts,...

The mathematical solution explains how to use the identity sin2x + cos2x≡ 1 to form a quadratic equation which can then be solved in a given range. The method of 'splitting the middle term' is used in order to help factorise the resulting quadratic in sin2x. The two resulting equations are then considered...

The main aim of the study was to:

*engage students and enhance their learning in mathematics through cross-curricular work with other STEM subjects, using video as a tool to encourage students to:
- reflect on...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at the theme of harnessing technology. By Birmingham Metropolitan College, the study describes how an e-learning mentor produced a series of video clips relating to the mathematics curriculum. These were made available to view on...

This activity examines the use of percentages in research and the media. The examples used focus on the distinction between absolute and relative percentages and percentage changes. The need for improved education in the area of communication of risk is at the heart of...

A group of enthusiastic mathematics and science teachers with an interest in raising student achievement and making the link between the STEM subjects spent several months working as a STEM Knowledge Network and were able to commit time to evaluating the benefits of...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

There are six ways to write the total edge length, total surface area and volume of a cube, or cuboid, in order of size. This presentation challenges students to find a cube for each order. Autograph files are provided to...

This report, commissioned by the Nuffield Foundation, addresses two questions: • What is the range and type of research evidence from countries with high performance in mathematics that gives insights into the reasons for their relatively high position? • What constitutes high performance in mathematics learning...

Mathcentre provide these resources which cover aspects of vectors, often used in the field of engineering. They include descriptions of the notation often used to describe vectors and how to calculate the modulus of vector given in cartesian form, as well as how to calculate scaler and vector products.


This interactive excel sheet deals with a variety of vector topics. It begins with sheets which require students to identify column vectors from line...

Odd One Out, provided by RISPs, helps students focus on mathematical properties to determine which of three numbers or expressions is the odd one out.

For example, given the triplet 2, 3, 9:
2 could be the odd...
